Sunday, March 25, 2018

Writing Real

I have noticed in the past few months through my writing, that the more that I write daily, the more authentic and transparent my writing becomes.

I have never been a "closed person" in real life, but in my writing, I have often sided with the clinical and less personal.  This has been something that I have been working on intentionally for the past two years.  In other words, I have been developing a more personal and approachable voice in my writing.

To do get here, I had to make a choice to let down my guard and simply be real in my writing.

It has had its scary times as well as rewarding times.  The rewards have far outweighed the scary!

Now, with my voice in place, I have allowed myself to become more open to being genuine and allowing my writing into a more personal space.  It feels good.  It in fact, feels liberating.

Writing is hard.

Being real in words is more difficult.

Being transparent is transcendent. 

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine



  1. I am a huge fan of all of your writing, Mark! You’ve made quite the journey of authentic growth as a writer. Keep going!!

  2. Mark,

    I am glad you are more comfortable with your voice now.

    You always have been an authentic person & an eaqually caring teacher.

    Best wishes.

