Monday, March 5, 2018

Those who Can't

I ran into a past student that is going into her student teaching soon.  Talking to people at this stage of the game is kind of weird and maybe stressful for both parties.

I want to be real with her as she talks about her textbook methods from her schooling.  I really don't want to break down her idealism.  I also don't want her to be blindsided.  It is such a tough balance.

Unfortunately, I have seen and mentored several teachers that have made an incorrect choice in their vocation by becoming a teacher and for several not last in the profession.  Sometimes this takes a few years, sacrificing student growth along the way.

Teaching is NOT for everyone.

Not everyone can teach or should teach.

I cannot stand the saying, "Those who can't, teach" 

It should be- "Those who can't teach, ..."

One thing is for sure- there is much more quality PD available than every for young teachers.  I think Twitter Chats have become the new gateway into the realities of the teaching world.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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