Saturday, March 17, 2018

Rushing Life

About the time that Spring Break approaches each year, I have a tradition that I have with my 8th grade students.  I talk to them about how many tend to rush through life.

Below is a version of my talk and student responses.

How many of you can't wait until Spring Break?

Most hands go up.

How many of you can't wait until the Great America Fun Park trip?

All hands go up.

How many of you can't wait until you graduate?

Most hands go up.

How many of you can't wait until summer?

All hands go up.

How many of you can't wait until you start High School?

Some hands go up.

I have noticed many of you using the term "I can't wait" lately.  You have been using it as if the time you have between important and fun events doesn't count.  If we live our life for the "I can't waits" we never live the special moments in-between.

I like the term, "I am looking forward to" doing something.  It expresses my excitement and anticipation for the coming even, but...I can wait.  I can enjoy the anticipation.

How many of you have really looked forwaard to going on a vacation.  You day dreamed about it, you packed early, you talked to others about it...the anticipation was exciting.  Then... you went on vacation.  It was nice enough.  Maybe didn't live up to expectations.  And, on the way home from the vacation, you found yourself lost in the next, "I can't wait until?"

Most of you.

Live life looking forward while enjoying the now.  You don't want to rush an already short life.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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