Saturday, June 23, 2018

Real Relaxation

As I sat in a lounge chair in my backyard for the 4th day in a row.  I realized that I was relaxed.  Four days ago, even though I was sitting in the same chair, I was not relaxed.

Being relaxed as much, if not more so, a state of mind as it is a state of body.  If we have things weighing heavily on our minds, no matter what our body does, relaxation will not come.  In fact, I have found it is more essential to relax the mind than it is to relax the body.

I can be in the car and relax.  I can be at school and relax.  This does not mean that I am in a relaxed position, it means that my mind is quiet and allowing me to simply..."Be."

Relaxation, like meditation, is an intentional act.  We must make sure that we are doing all of the right things to actually accomplish what we are setting out to do.

One must give themselves permission to let go, or take a break from the stressors of life.  No guilt.  No, "I Shoulds."  Just a time out from whatever is weighing on the mind...let it go!

With this in mind, my summer break will be all the more rejuvenating.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


1 comment:

  1. This is so true. The timing for your message was perfect. Thanks. I am giving myself permission to relax.
