Wednesday, June 27, 2018


I had a wonderful lunch with friends today.  One of my friends brought up the notion of gratitude.  I have been reflecting on what the terms means, what it looks and feels like, and whether or not I practice it enough.  The end that I do not practice gratitude intentionally.  I am thankful and gracious when the time comes and I react to the circumstances.  I have not been intentionally in appreciation.

I am not okay with this.

I like to think that I am positive, but this is a whole new ballgame. 

I really enjoy this graphic from

The power of gratitude is amazing.  According to,
there are 31 benefits of gratitude.  What I appreciate most about the benefits are those that have a healthy (physical and emotional) effect on me.  These include:  Making me happier, making me more positive, making me more spiritual, and making more motivated to enjoy life.

The idea and concept of Gratitude is so much deeper of an idea that I could have imagined.  I plan on enjoying the new journey towards gratitude and practice with intention.  I want to realize all 31 of the benefits that this found resource has to offer.  I want to be a best version of me!

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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