Friday, June 22, 2018

Intent of the Other

All week long, I have watched birds come to my office window, just a couple of feet from where I sit and write.  These birds are not simply visiting.  They are here to destroy my window screen.  It is an older screen, the one that the builder used when building the house some 13 years ago.  I have replaced several other screens due to the various visits from birds.

To me, they are destroying my screens and costing me about $38.50.  To them, the birds are simply being resourceful as they gather resources from the location so they can build a home, a nest, a place of comfort. 

There is no malice.  There is no intent to harm.  To the birds, the screen sits there for them to take.  They are completely unaware that they are destroying anything. 

I considered suing the local bird population for the $38.50 (X 6-windows), but on what grounds?

If the screens were in better shape, they would not be able to destroy them.

No intent to harm.  No motive other than being birds and following instincts.

In life, it is so important to see what the intent of the other person or being truly is.  Sometimes, we take things personally when they are nothing more than survival on the part of the other.  It is our duty to see the other side...Empathy in its truest form.  This is what Co-existing in our world is about.  We all have our own nature and journey. Let's consider the journey of others while we work within our own.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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