Wednesday, May 30, 2018

What if- Online Me?

As I consider and wonder about the possibilities in education, I often consider the wave of tech in learning.  I use Google Classroom and the G Suite for so much.  I really have no choice to consider a What If with this...

What If...

What if I was forced to teach my students via the internet?  Online learning?

The short answer is, I would hate it.

I injured myself after the first few weeks of school this past school year.  It left me with a sub during the most essential time (5-weeks) as far as I am concerned.  Granted, through tech... Google Classroom and Camtasia (a video program), I was able to help my students learn and maintain my expectations of growth.

What was missing?

Relationships.  Connections.

I had been with these students enough to create routines and started to get to know each student as learners through conferring...but...

It all came to a halt on the third week.

I was able to make the connections needed when I came back, but I left the school year yesterday unfinished.  Luckily, I will have most of the students again next year as 8th graders.  I have great plans!


Even though my students could get what they needed from a mechanical sense, the relationship was missed.  I am NOT ready for that.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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