Friday, May 25, 2018

Fear of something

I am one day away from summer break.  Today, I begin hitting my writing assignment ( a teaching professional book) hard and with intention.  I have been living the topic for over 30 years, so I feel that I have a lot to say.  I have been applying my thinking to teaching and learning for about 20 years, so I feel I have expertise and experience.

The issue?

Sorting out the great stuff from the good stuff.

Giving the book and chapters flow.

Making sure that this piece can be read and marked up to be revisited.

Making sure the manuscript fits the requirements of my editor and publisher.

Making the book engaging and timely.

Believe it or not....

The writing is the easy part.  Starting did not take long and I knew where to begin.  It is the editing...cutting out the unnecessary stuff that frightens me. I know I have great people to look over what I am doing to make suggestions.  I know I have the perfect editor. 

What am I afraid of?

I am not sure.  I was hoping to come to that conclusion while I was writing this...but... just fear, not answers.

I have always done best when I have jumped in with both feet, I go!  See you on the other side.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine



  1. Yes!! Don’t let fear win. Give it all you’ve got. Your wings are ready. It’s time to FLY!!

  2. Good for you! As EB White said, "Be tidy. Be brave." Way to go!

  3. Good luck Mark. I'm sure things will come together well for you.
