Thursday, May 17, 2018

Last Minute Jitters

My 8th graders certainly had the last minute jitters today.  The barrage of questions about how things work in High School today let me know that they are nervous and some, all out scared.  The reality of this major change in life for them has set in as the days left as middle school students is down to the lower single digits. 

I feel bad for them.  I want to hug them all and let them know that everything will be fine.  I want them to know that after a month at High School, they will be so engaged in the new life of it all, that they will have to intentionally sit back and think to remember the Good Old Days of Middle School.

The reality is that...I can tell them all kinds of things, but until they experience it all for is all simply words.

What I can do is listen.  I can brainstorm and problem solve with my students.  I can make suggestions and remind them who their support systems are.  I can care.

For all this...

I look forward to October of the next school year when I hear from many of these 8th they tell me how wonderful high school is.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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