Thursday, May 31, 2018

I Reached 150! How I did it.

Yesterday's post was a milestone reached.  It was my 150th blog post- 150 consecutive days of posting since January 1, 2018.  I am proud of this accomplishment, but even more so, I am happiest with what I have learned in the process.

1. Writing Routines work. 

Once you get into a habit of doing something like blogging daily, it is easier to fit into your schedule because it becomes part of your daily routine.

2.  Writing Ideas are found.

I have created a bit of a routine with my daily writing.  I start by opening Blogger.  I give myself a few minutes (5 at the most) to land on an idea.  I truly do not thinking about what I will write prior to sitting down to write.  I feel this gives me practice in authenticity.

3.  Momentum can cause guilt.

Once I write for 30 days straight, it was hard to quit.  I allowed myself the opportunity to blog less frequently, but I found myself feeling as though I was letting myself down by now writing a bit each I keep coming back- daily.  Sometimes life gets in the way and it is 10pm before I am writing, but so far...I have found a way.

4.  Writing in this way is a reflection on life.

I have been finding it interesting to go back and see where I was and what I was thinking earlier this year.  I am seeing a process of thought and life that I didn't realize until I read and reflected.  This might be my favorite part.

5.  Writing isn't always perfect, but it still is writing.

I like to write RAW.  I post my writing Right After Writing.  I do not go back and edit or make corrections.  I probably should, but again, I love the authentic elements of organic posting on my blog.


Here is to the next 5, 25, 50, or 150 posts in a row.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

What if- Online Me?

As I consider and wonder about the possibilities in education, I often consider the wave of tech in learning.  I use Google Classroom and the G Suite for so much.  I really have no choice to consider a What If with this...

What If...

What if I was forced to teach my students via the internet?  Online learning?

The short answer is, I would hate it.

I injured myself after the first few weeks of school this past school year.  It left me with a sub during the most essential time (5-weeks) as far as I am concerned.  Granted, through tech... Google Classroom and Camtasia (a video program), I was able to help my students learn and maintain my expectations of growth.

What was missing?

Relationships.  Connections.

I had been with these students enough to create routines and started to get to know each student as learners through conferring...but...

It all came to a halt on the third week.

I was able to make the connections needed when I came back, but I left the school year yesterday unfinished.  Luckily, I will have most of the students again next year as 8th graders.  I have great plans!


Even though my students could get what they needed from a mechanical sense, the relationship was missed.  I am NOT ready for that.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

What If I wasn't evaluated?

As I closed my classroom door for the last time this school year, I was reminded by a peer that we will go through evaluation cycles next school year.  I am not one of those who puts on a show, or worries about them.  In fact, my philosophy has always been, come in anytime...if I am not doing well everyday, I am not where I should be.  Every day is intended to be a perfect lesson with massive engagement!

On my way home, in keeping with my new theme of What-Ifs, I wondered...

What If I was never evaluated again?  What might change?

Right away, I started thinking about when I ask students to grade they are SO much harder on themselves than I might be.

I am a very reflective person and educator.  I think that not being evaluated would cause me to become that much more reflective. 

I might actually become more intentional in the use of my data. 

I might video tape my teaching and become more critical of the moments lost in class. 

I might spend more time watching others teach and look for hidden gems.

I might see an increase in my own growth!

After looking at this list, I realized that these would be very powerful for me.  I also realized that I can do these things even though I AM being evaluated.

Did I mention that I am a reflective person?

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Monday, May 28, 2018

What If I Knew

I like to ponder what-if questions.  They make me think deeply and as I reflect, I get to know myself and my beliefs much better. I have decided to include an on again, off again series of What-Ifs.

This will be the first in the series.

What If (#1) I knew all of my students' needs for my new students next year as I contemplate my planning for next year?

The reality is...

I really don't think that I would start planning for their needs.  One things that I know for sure is that students change, a lot, between 6th to 7th grade and 7th to 8th grade.  I also know that just because they had certain struggles with various teachers from last year, that definitely does not mean they will have the same struggles with me.

In other words.  I truly don't want to know the needs of my students.  I want to get to know them and their learning in an authentic manner and wait for the actual start of the year.  There are way too many variable to take into account to plan for who they may have been or what hinderances existed for my new students last year.

My plan is to plan as I normally will.  I will plan engaging and exciting lessons with challenging work and high expectations.  My students will show me first hand what they need.  With regular conferring,  I can see if the need to learn some basic skills.  I can also note if they need to unlearn some bad habits from years past.

This is why I have a belief...

I do not look at IEPs, 504s, or any other student paperwork until week 3.  I want to know first hand, from my students teaching me, what their true needs are.  Leaving behind any ideas of learned helplessness, we will deal as partners, with any needs as they arise.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Plan B

Finding the silver positive lining in things is what I strive for.  My wife and I worked in the yard with flowers and plants today.  It was 97 degrees with an Air Quality Alert.  I lasted about 15-minutes.  After a little dizziness and lots of liquids, my body told me that I could go on, but...I decided that this was the kind of day that needed a Plan B.

What was the Plan B?

Well... There was laundry to do, cleaning to do, putting things away that should have been put away long ago, but the school year was in the way...

There was an office to clean, papers to sort, books to shelf, dust to find a new home...

Sometimes the Plan B allows one to step back, slow down, and have some fun while accomplishing the little things.

I am looking forward to other Plan B days.  As I look around, there is a garage that needs the sort and clean treatment, as well as the basement.

Such a luxury to have the Plan B sitting quietly and waiting for its turn to come.

Meanwhile, there is Plan A+...which is always writing.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Saturday, May 26, 2018

In Between Time

The start of summer break is an interesting time for me.  I am lost somewhere in between school and break. My mind (and body) still expects to be thinking of great ways to engage students while I challenge them to grow in ways that they thought impossible.  The calendar tells me it is time to rejuvenate and make up for the countless hours and days sacrificed to my commitment and passion which is the education of my students. 

As I mention often... I am not one to take too much time for myself.  My summer is consumed by writing, committee work at school, professional development (both giving and receiving), my commitment to my state council as an executive board member, and thinking and theorizing better methods of reaching my students.

So, what do I do in the between time?

I allow both worlds and expectations to take turns.

I spend some time in school head...

Then I take a break...

Then I repeat.

Slowly, my relaxation will give me more time...and before I know it, it is time to start going back into school head and preparing for the new school year.

I love this life that I live.  Somehow, it all makes sense to me.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Friday, May 25, 2018

Fear of something

I am one day away from summer break.  Today, I begin hitting my writing assignment ( a teaching professional book) hard and with intention.  I have been living the topic for over 30 years, so I feel that I have a lot to say.  I have been applying my thinking to teaching and learning for about 20 years, so I feel I have expertise and experience.

The issue?

Sorting out the great stuff from the good stuff.

Giving the book and chapters flow.

Making sure that this piece can be read and marked up to be revisited.

Making sure the manuscript fits the requirements of my editor and publisher.

Making the book engaging and timely.

Believe it or not....

The writing is the easy part.  Starting did not take long and I knew where to begin.  It is the editing...cutting out the unnecessary stuff that frightens me. I know I have great people to look over what I am doing to make suggestions.  I know I have the perfect editor. 

What am I afraid of?

I am not sure.  I was hoping to come to that conclusion while I was writing this...but... just fear, not answers.

I have always done best when I have jumped in with both feet, I go!  See you on the other side.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Old Endings

Is the opposite of New Beginnings called Old Endings?

It kinda feels that way today.

Today was "take down the room day!"

As we have a cleaning service come in and clean our classrooms over the summer...and they clean the walls and refinish the floors...

It all has to come down!!

Books off of the shelves and on to the stationary shelf.

Decor off of the walls.

Everything must be labelled "Levine, Room D107."

I have some 80+ Dream Catchers on my walls (story for another time) and each of them has to gently be taken down and packed.


I had 5 wonderful National Junior Honor Society students that had their work done and were able to spend 3 hours with me!

I did....nothing.  Well, I explained and delegated. It was very nice to say the least.  I know I will have some sorting and fixing to do when I return in early August...but that is part of the fun of re-setting up the classroom for the new year!

With a couple of school days left...

Here is to Old endings!

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Tomorrow night is a milestone in 200+ students' lives.  They will celebrate their promotion to High School with a kind-of graduation ceremony.  It will mark the end of their elementary lives and open the doors to the most impactful years of their lives.

I could not be more proud of the hard work that my students have put in for the past several years.  even though they are not believing me, they are ready for this next step!

I am lucky enough to participate in the ceremony.  I get to see the pride, the joy, the nerves, the smiles, and the tears first hand.

Like a proud father, I hand these students over to our High School. I am hopeful that some will come and visit me, keep in touch, or simply remember me.

At the end of the night, I will come home exhausted, emotional, and proud.

Be amazing Class of 2018!

Be wonderful at life!

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Ingredients for a great teacher

My 7th grade students (and the rest of the building) get to experience their next year's schedule and meet their next year's teachers tomorrow.  I wanted them to go into the day with expectations, not judgement.  After talking to them about giving each teacher a chance to show how great they are, I asked them a relatively simple question that got some amazing answers...

"What makes a teacher a GREAT teacher?"

The responses were as follows:

A teacher that uses humor.

An engaging teacher.

A teacher that is firm, but fair.

A teacher that really cares for their students and doesn't fake it.

A teacher that wants us to succeed, but doesn't over-push us to failure.

A teacher that understands that sometimes we have bad days.

A teacher who really knows their stuff without looking at a book.

A teacher that can tell that we are bored and does something about it.

As these answers were given, and I was recording them, I could not help but reflect on where I fit on this list.  I think I did pretty well, but I plan on keeping this list as a reminder of that kids are looking for in a Great teacher.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Monday, May 21, 2018

Home school options

I found out today that I have several students that have been told by their families that they will be home-schooled next year.  I found this interesting and looked into some of the reasons why.

I heard the following explanations...

My parents are worried about safety.

My parents need me home to watch the babies.

I got into too much trouble at school this year.

My parents don't like all of the testing.

We might move mid-year so my parents think this will be easier.

I have no friends, so what's the difference?

Needless to say, there are quite the array of reasons.  I am not sure how I feel about them all.  I am most concerned, for obvious reasons, for the last student.  I want to know if there is more to this story.

Some of these students will or should be going into High School, some into 8th grade.

I completed my conversation with each one by asking if they were planning on going to college.  Every one was very sure that they will be going on to a four year college and create a professional life for themselves.

After these conversations, I felt somewhat cheated.  Cheated out of their education.  I hope for the best.  I wish they saw the value of staying in our school or school system.  I realize it is not mine to question beyond what I already have. I look forward to hearing about their progress...

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sharing Pride

As I scroll through social media feeds today, they are filled with graduations from around the country.  I decided to look closer at the many images included with the social media posts. 

This is what I saw...

Smiling faces


Proud parents

Hopeful graduates

Embracing friends

Cheering classmates

School pride

Readiness to conquer the world

These images made compelled me to reflect and compare this time for these students to the Spring.  They are in the Spring-time of their lives.  They are waking up from years of hard work and dedication and getting ready to spread their wings and become who and what they were meant to be. Even though I don't personally know most of the people in these graduation images, I can feel their pride and sense of accomplishment.  As a teacher, I can know that I am part of that larger picture...

I can share that pride.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Tasting Summer

I had my first taste of summer today.  My wife and I sat out in the yard and talked about the end of the school year.  As I sat and looked around, I thought about how my yard is so many things to me.  It is my little sanctuary. It is my work space.  It is my entertainment space.  It is my outside cafe.  It is my summer kitchen.  It is my place to sit in peace and reflect on life-past and to come.  It is my moment of Zen to exist in the moment.

It is also, certainly, an ongoing work in progress.  There are countless hours of work left to make it what I want it to be.  It is nice now...but I like the process of making it nicer or special for the summer.  Each year is gets to be a little bit different.

My time in the yard gave me the peace and the centeredness that I was craving to go into the last full week with my students...being present and enjoying them the most that I can.  It is a gift, for sure.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Friday, May 18, 2018

Growth Equation

My students' final district test scores are in.  The growth that I have seen this year by my 7th and 8th grade students this year is pretty incredible.  By the math used to determine growth, my students have grown between 1 and 3 grade levels in literacy this year.  I could not be more proud.

As I reflect on the growth, of course, I am struck with the question...why?

What is the reasoning for this growth?

There are so many variables...

The students and their academic personalities.

The mix of kids.

Student motivation.

Engaging lessons.

Persistence in mindset.

Relationships and Connections.

Formatively assessing for growth in areas needed.

It is such a complex equation to recognize what goes into success.

I am proud.  I am encouraged.  I am motivated.  I am compelled to continue this momentum.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Last Minute Jitters

My 8th graders certainly had the last minute jitters today.  The barrage of questions about how things work in High School today let me know that they are nervous and some, all out scared.  The reality of this major change in life for them has set in as the days left as middle school students is down to the lower single digits. 

I feel bad for them.  I want to hug them all and let them know that everything will be fine.  I want them to know that after a month at High School, they will be so engaged in the new life of it all, that they will have to intentionally sit back and think to remember the Good Old Days of Middle School.

The reality is that...I can tell them all kinds of things, but until they experience it all for is all simply words.

What I can do is listen.  I can brainstorm and problem solve with my students.  I can make suggestions and remind them who their support systems are.  I can care.

For all this...

I look forward to October of the next school year when I hear from many of these 8th they tell me how wonderful high school is.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Learn More

So, I decided to try something new this summer.  We do not have a summer school program, per I decided to try to make one for my honors kids.  It would be completely voluntary. I would not be paid.  One day, 2 hours, every two weeks.  A total of 5 meetings.  10-hours.

I asked my 7th graders who I will have again next year, how many of you would come to at least 3-sessions (knowing there will be vacations, etc.)?  Over 60% of the class raised their hands.  55/60 said they would come to at least one class.

Even when I told them that we would work really hard on literacy skills in the content area...they seemed excited.

I am sure once summer begins, the real numbers will be exciting. I was so proud of the kids and their enthusiasm to "learn more!"

Middle School kids, when engaged, and led to be thirsty to learn and grow...once they have a taste for it...can NOT be stopped.

I am looking forward to success... But, in my eyes, I have already realized it.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

I Wish I Had

Today was a day of students saying, "I wish I had..."

For some reason, today gave cause for my 8th grade students to reflect on their year, or on their entire middle school experience.  They dug deep into their truths and looked in the mirror.  Many were very happy and proud about what they have accomplished and the growth that they have made.  As well, many were reflectively disappointed.  They created mental lists of things that they wished that they did differently or better.

Where possible, I helped my students to reflect upon why they were feeling this way and what they can learn from it.

Most said that they were feeling this way due to it being the end of the school year.  Some said it was because they really let their grades and learning, attention, and engagement falter in the past four months.

Upon searching for what they can learn from the way that they are feeling... most came up with what one might expect...

Try harder

Stay focused

Take my education more seriously

Don't let the drama get in the way

The most interesting finding for many of my students was that they realized that they are older, more mature, and more ready to be should not happen again.

I hope they are right!

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Monday, May 14, 2018

What a Wonderful World

I looked around the hallways today to get a feel for what the students are going to "be" with only 11-days left.  I was left with quite a smile as I noticed friends helping each other out, hugs being given, friends holding things for each other, high fives and fist bumps, and smiles for each other.

It made me think of one of my favorite songs, "What a Wonderful World"...

This of course is written by Louis Armstrong:

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world

And that is what it felt like....A wonderful world.

Kids are in great moods,

They are full of friendship and hope,

They are sharing and caring,

There are connections and relationships...

All I could do is appreciate what our school has fostered as the norm. Our Culture.  A Wonderful World.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Missing Mother's Day

Another Mother's Day without a Mom to wish a wonderful day.  I lost my mother 8.4 years ago to lung cancer. The experience was surreal to say the least.  The knowledge that your mom is gone forever is an interesting hurt.  It is an ache that lurks in the background of life, waiting for the right time to remind you that she is missing and that you don't have her for support anymore.

Mother's Day is one of those days.  All of the Mother's Day social media posts, flowers being sold at every possible store, and the road signs offering deals to moms today on mattresses.

The resulting feelings are mixed.

I feel alone, even though so many of my family and friends are without their moms on this day.  I feel nostalgic in reflecting on memories about my mother...either by myself or with others.  I find humor listening to the girls in line at a local coffee shop complaining about their mother's elaborate special orders.

Do the years make things easier?  Yes...I guess.  But there are always these little celebrated days that pop up to remind me of what I once had, that is now gone.

I go to a special picture of my mom holding me when she was so young. I was six months.  I talk to that mom and remind her to enjoy raising me and have no regrets.  I tell her I miss her. I shed a tear.  I smile and my Mother's Day has ended.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Image result for zen mother

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Let's Get Physical

It is time to begin taking care of my physical self.  I have been spending some quality time working on my emotional self, my writing, and my teaching... but sometimes, well, but is my physical self that loses priority.

I have had a few injuries this year that have allowed me to gain some weight this year.  On top of this, the injuries have made it still...difficult to exercise.

I have lived my One Little Word, "Persist" when it comes to my writing and teaching.  It is now time to add taking care of my aging out of shape body.  It will only help my health and all of the other things that I am working on in life.  In fact, it should have been my first priority to set a foundation for everything else...But... instead of complaining of what could have or should have...

It is time to start.


Eating better and LESS.

Working out starting out simply to get my body used to it, and not injured.

Persisting and staying with it.

Being intentional about these goals and not expecting them to happen on their own.

Yes, I feel like I am always working on me-

But isn't that what life is about?

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Friday, May 11, 2018

The List

I came home from school today and I was beat.  Emotionally and physically.  As I came into the garage, I started to notice all of the things that were out of place or needed to be cleaned and have NOT been touched since this school year began.

As I walked into to house, I noticed things everywhere that reminded me that the house and taking care of things here have NOT been a priority. 

What does this lead to?  You guessed it.... The LIST.

I started the list by memory from my journey that took me from my car to my office.  Then, I took the list back on that journey and added the things that I didn't want to face on the way in earlier.

How long is the list?

To long!

I have all summer to knock this list out...right? in the world can I relax and begin summer break until this list is at least ...mostly done?


The list should or could take me about a week.

Am I in a hurry for school to end?


Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Mindful Drama

Tons of drama at school today. Such is life at a middle school just prior to Spring.

I have been studying this type of "drama" for many years.  Middle School students are in a strange developmental place.  They are neither child or adult.  Some psychologists have called this place "marginal man' as they are lost in the in-between. 

Kids try on being an adult...especially when they are preparing for high school in 13 short school days.  They react.  Some react how they think they are supposed to, some just react.

The biggest issue is that they are no longer mindful or their thinking or actions.  They are reacting in such a way that it feels like life is happening to them.

I pulled a couple of students aside today and helped bring them to a mindful place.  I simply asked, how important to you is this drama.  Their immediate reaction was the it was the most important thing in the world.  I then asked the same question important is this drama to you.

They stopped.  They looked at each other.  They laughed.

Sometimes our students need a little guidance in being mindful of the realities of the situation.  They are not aware or always in control of their developmental changes as they are happening.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Calm Space

My secret self-mission lately has been to find my calm space within.  I am one that likes to take lots on to be a part of the larger world. I like to be included and involved.  Taking a ton on in life does not mix well with my goals towards a calm and minimal life.


I have officially let go of all extra obligations at school.  This will free me up to volunteer in projects that I want to put my heart into.  It will also allow me to follow my dreams in endeavors beyond the classroom.  yes- writing is certainly one of them.

I have found that meditation and self reflection are great if you let yourself take advantage of them in kind of a selfish manner.  I am nothing close to selfish, believe this has been rough on me.


I am feeling more of who I really am lately.

I like this.

I will certainly write more about this journey.

Step one. It is difficult and take some time, but it all begins with this step.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Looking Forward

Today I allowed myself to look forward for a moment.  My regular intention is to always be in the moment, but today- I looked forward to consider things to come.

I looked forward to...

New Students.

New Ideas.

New Colleagues.

New Expectations.

New Appreciations.

New School Supplies.

New Learning.

Ah, the luxury of the cycle of the school year.  It gives us New Hopes and New Excitements.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Monday, May 7, 2018

What does it feel like to write?

I found out today that I have a few students that regularly check out this blog.  Not really sure why, but...they think it is pretty cool.

They asked me what it feels like when I am writing on this page.

Interesting question.

Never thought about it.

After some searching, I explained the following to these students...

It feels like looking into a mirror where I can see what happened in my life that day.  I can also see what I am feeling and thinking while I am watching my day.  When I focus on a student for a few seconds, I can see what they are feeling or thinking as well.

After looking at the mirror for a minute, I look away.  I reflect on what I just saw and what I noticed or am feeling.

This creates the direction of what I will write about for that day.

I keep the writing short and get directly to the point.

I always look for the positives.

I am not sure what they will or will not do with this information.  I hope they visit this post and try it for themselves.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Last Expectations

As I prepare for the upcoming school week, I am reflecting on the expectations that I have to balance intentional work and a relaxed atmosphere in class. I want my students to continue to enjoy each of the last 15 school days while truly continuing to learn.

This is always a rough balance.

Especially when each student is at a different place in being ready for the school year to end.

My Plan...

1. Have a solid and intentional plan for each day.

2. Have an expected outcome for each day.

3. Have a small break time built in to each day.

4. Start each lesson with a high engagement image or quote.

5. Keep smiling and letting the students know that we are partnering in learning until the last minute of the school year.





Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Learning Self-Care

Today I embark on the first step towards my new lease on Self Care.  I am headed to a Chicago Fire game (soccer).  I have been a season ticket holder for the past 12 years.  Soccer...well, Football, or Futbol as it really should be called, has the the only sport that has meant anything to me for the past 20 years and has been a significant interest of mine since high school.

How is this self care?

Tailgating begins 3 hours prior to the match (game).  I sit with my drink and snacks behind my care with friends and fans that are new friends, watching the games that come before our game on my IPad with the sound on high on my blue tooth speaker so others can enjoy the music.

It is a sense of Nationalism, well...Teamism.  People share food, drinks, games, and soccer stories.

The whole experience takes me to my happy place.

My students and teaching, it is still there rolling around in my head... but I am enjoying the moments of where and how I

I guess I need to add...I often see students and parents at the match.

Oh well, that's okay too.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Friday, May 4, 2018

What a week

From fights, to mayhem in the hallways...this has been a week in my Middle School world.

I don't blame the kids...I really don't.

The amount of testing that they have had to do in the past 4 weeks has been incredibly taxing on them.  The weather is getting better.  The days are counting down towards summer break.


There are major tests in two weeks that are basically second semester finals.

I want to take care of my students.

I don't want to fry their brains.

We are working at a nice, level pace right now.  No movies, real work with skills, standards, and content.  But...I am needing to make things a little lighter for their sanity.

Humor.  Connections.  Sarcasm.  Relationships.  High Interest Content.

We are all hanging on...

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Some Bad Choices

So...this was a bad year for me (my students) as I had so many students make bad choices.  Choices that severely effect their lives now...and will very much effect their lives in the future.

This makes me sad.

This makes me wonder if there was something I could have done better.

This makes me question my impact on my students.

This makes me wonder if I am present enough for my students.

This make me question changes happening in the lives of my students.

This make me hope that this was an isolated year of bad choices and not a sign of things to come.

This make me sad.

Live all things that I experience in life...

This makes me want to solve this problem, work harder to make connections, be more of what my students need me to be...and help to change my little corner of the world.

This makes me....Me.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

I joined to belong

Every Spring, my students complain that their track meets keep on getting cancelled.  Our track program has as many as 30% of our student body is great!  But...the timing is terrible due to the weather.  It is often too cold or raining, or there are terrible storm warnings.

I had a student come to me today for his daily, "hello" in the hallway.

I asked him if he is ready for his track meet and he said he thinks it might be cancelled due to the weather.

I told him how sorry I it seemed like he was looking forward to it.

His response was wonderful...

" You know Mr. Levine, both of my sisters were on track in Middle School, High School, and College.  They always complained about their meets being cancelled.  I really don't like track and I hate running.  I only joined to be part of the team.  I knew that most of the meets would be cancelled and I wouldn't have to run a lot."

I laughed.  I fist bumped him.  I smiled and told him to enjoy his day.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Last Minute student

I got a new student this week.  I know, it is so late to get a new student. 

I feel terrible for her.  Even though she came from within our district, things are not done the same way at each middle school.  She is used to having various supports and not used to using the ones offered by our school. 

She is making new friends and seems outgoing.  I just have no choice but to empathically notice what she is going through...for a 4-week journey in a new school.  This feels so out of context for her.

I made a point for seeking her out in the hallway between classes and ask her how her day is going.  I want to create a safe-feeling home base for her to go to in case she becomes overwhelmed.  We know that connections and relationships are so essential for student growth....but they are just as essential, if not more so for students being thrown into a new student type of situation like this...

As teachers, we have to juggle so much on a daily basis...

While we are doing this juggling, we need to pay attention to the smaller, most important pieces of being a teacher.  This is what makes us who we truly are.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine
