Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Writing Journey

What happens when you write for 245 days in a row?

You learn a lot about yourself. 

You get accustomed to considering the tiniest of elements of your life.

You get really acquainted with your beliefs.

You create an interesting habit with mini-habits built in.

Your writing becomes a mirror for you.

You take more and more risks in your writing.

You learn about yourself as a writer.

You create a record of your thoughts to return to.

You develop a writing style of your own.

You become self-inspired to take on more writing projects.

You learn the realities of being a writer.

You can talk about the writing process with your students with authentic empathy.

You grow as a writer and a reflective person.

You change the mission and purpose of your writing.

I certainly realize that most of these things listed about could use some explanation and exploration.  It is my intent to write about these 14 changes in detail as I approach my 250th daily blog post (without interruption) in the next 5-days.  I hope you will take the time to join me as I make an intentional effort to reflect on this journey with more specifics. 

Thanks so much to anyone who has been visiting my blog.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine



  1. This would be good for me to share with my students who are 15 pages into their 150 page Writer's Notebook journey. The past few years I have done this with the students, it takes about a semester for them to really settle in to who they are as writers. Thanks for sharing and taking the journey!

  2. "You can talk about the writing process with your students with authentic empathy."
    I find this statement to be especially true!
