Saturday, September 8, 2018

Fall Emotions

It feels like fall today.

Fall offers very enticing emotions.

It is hoodie weather, High School Football is in full swing, and the nights smell like burning pine as the smoke of neighborhood campfires warm backyard conversations.

I really enjoy the emotional responses that the changing of the season brings.

Very often, the smells and tastes of the newly started season offers us memories from our past.  They remind us of a time when...

Things were more simple...

We spent time with a lost group of friends...

Our dreams were just beginning....

We still had loved ones around that we have since lost to time...

Regardless what the changing of the season represents, we are left with two choices in which to reflect upon mindfully-

We can look at what a wonderful experience life has been for us to this point.


We can belabor all of the hardships and miseries that we have encountered.

The choice is ours.  Yours...and...mine.

We owe it to ourselves to exist in the wonderful and keep ourselves intentionally enjoying life.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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