Tuesday, September 11, 2018

It takes balance

Today was a difficult day to maneuver.  It, of course, was 9/11.  I am a history teacher.

On one hand, there is an unspoken understanding to teach my students of the events of that day and the war that has followed the event that still exists in forms still today. 

These 13-year olds have known war their entire lives.

On the other hand, I had students explaining to me that they feel tired of learning about the event every 9/11 due to the way that it makes them feel.  They do not like the emotional response that it brings out in them.

When I asked, "isn't that the point?  To learn about things in history that makes us feel something so we can use those emotions to assure ourselves that history does not repeat itself?"

I agreed, that teaching this each year on the anniversary of the event is rough for many.  I also explained that we do so to memorialize those that lost their lives and those effected by the incident.

Teaching middle school American History requires a sensitive touch.  I want to take care of my students and protect them from the bad out in the world...but at the same time- I want my students to know the truth.  I want them to make informed decisions now, as middle school students...so as they mature, they can refine their thinking and decide what it is they will do to make the world a better place.

It takes balance.  It take finesse.  It takes caring and being willing to create a safe environment for very emotional thinking.

I love what I do.  I care deeply about my kids.  It is well worth the work.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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