Sunday, September 23, 2018

Being in the Now

As I look at my schedule for this week, it is way too easy to become overwhelmed.  I have things nightly right after school every day.  It is easy to feel under water before the week even begins.  This is what I would call a full week.  Not an easy forecast while I am trying to feel better after getting a bug late last week.

When we get to this point and look at our calendars and freak...

We have two choices.

1.  We can allow the load of the week to pull us down and lay heavily on our minds.


2.  We can take things one at a time.  Day by day.  Living in the moment.

When we get bogged down with the "too much to do" mindset, we tend to live in the pile of things that we have to get done.  When this happens, we do very little well.  We also do not do ourselves emotional or physical good in the process.

As teachers, we need to be in the moment for our students.  We need to be present to be effective.

If we choose #2, all of those things on our calendar will still be there.  We can still cross them off one at a time.  By our minds can focus only on the task that we are involved in NOW.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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