Friday, September 28, 2018

Taking a journey of relaxation

Today, during a brain break with my students, I decided to do something that I have not done with them as of yet.  I decided to take one of my honors classes that seemed stressed about everything on a personalized journey.

I did a 10-minute, guided imagery relaxation exercise with them.

So summarize their journey,

I had the students get comfortable and I turned off the lights leaving just the light from the windows on this cloudy day.  I played some soft Native flute music while I asked them to follow the path of my voice.

I asked them to keep their eyes closed, but to see in their mind that they are in a beautiful forest.  I had them look around noticing trees, water, wildlife, etc.  I had them take a slow walk on a soft-sandy trail.  They met up with someone that they loved very much and they smiled at each other.  No words were exchanged, just the feelings of calm, safety, love, caring, and pride.  I had them walk the path with this person paying attention to the way that they felt...calm, loved.

When the session was over, my students were in awe.  Several were in tears claiming that they felt like water flowing and floating in air as they opened their eyes and it was making them feel so very happy.  Some students with anxiety issues were tearing up and told me that they have not felt this relaxed in years.

A group of girls asked me if I was a wizard because they feel so refreshed and ready for the day.

This was a good experience. Easy gifts of caring to relieve stress are always good experiences.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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