Sunday, September 9, 2018

It's for the kids

We all want what is best for kids.  Every teacher that I have ever met ultimately wanted to do right by the students that they serve.  I am learning more and more that some teachers have incredible intentions, but at times, miss the mark on allowing their intentions and actions being in sync with each other.

For anyone who knows me...truly knows me, I am not a fan of politics on any level.

Our teachers union is going through some arguing lately that seems to mirror the politics of the nation.  It is either you are on team A or team B.  There is little grey area and the words being said are cutting and unfortunately lasting.

It bothers me and I take it personally when it appears that they teachers union is complaining about what is in it for the teachers.  Maybe something is wrong with me, but I didn't get into teaching for me, per se.  I am here for the kids.  I want what is best for the kids and I will figure out how to fit that into my life as best as I can.

I am well aware of the philosophy that is...take care of me and I will take care of the kids.  But...when that is not entirely possible, we do not give up on the kids. This element of being a teacher should always be a constant.

I am and always will be for the kids.  My life is about my students.  All else will fall into place in good time.  I am not going to lose sight of why I am here.

Stay aware of your heart's mission.  Be mindful of your purpose, also referred to as your "Why" by many.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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