Saturday, April 28, 2018

Sensitive Celebrations

As we head into the time of the year that students are celebrated for the academic achievements, we see a lot of parent, family, and friend involvement in the lives of our students.  This is certainly wonderful!


Not all of my students have parents, families, or friends to celebrate with.  Not all of my students will go to the class trips, have graduation gifts waiting for them, or have nice graduation parties.  There just isn't the money.  Some students have only one...or no parents. For some students, this type of celebration is not a priority.

As we celebrate with our students during this wonderful time of the year, we need to keep this in mind.  Maybe even give those students that don't have what others have- a little extra attention.

It is a difficult balance.  All of our students have different needs and this time of year, we need to remember this as much and maybe even more than preparing a lesson that differentiates for all students.

I plan on being more present, more aware, and more compassionate in the weeks to come.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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