Saturday, April 7, 2018

Focus on the Positive

It is this week every year that it hits me...I will never see some of my current students again.

Many will stop and see me next year.  Some will find me on social media through the years.  Some will come and visit, some will call me out of the blue.  Some will contact me for a letter of recommendation, some will contact me and take me to lunch.

Through the years, I have had thousands of students in my classes and many other students that have come to know me through my hallway antics and DJing school dances.

These are two completely significant feelings as a teacher.

-The Joy of keeping on touch with past students and following their journey...


-The hurt of losing touch with students that meant so much to you for those 180 days.

I used to mourn the end of the year because of the hurt.

For the past few years, I have taught myself to enjoy the relationships and connections that continue.

Focus on the positive.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine



  1. Yes, it's definitely that time of year. I always look at the current crew and wonder which ones will be the visitors next year. This year a few really surprised me by coming back every day for a chat.

  2. I had those same feelings, especially when I taught middle school. But I've kept in touch with so many former students now, that I focus on them and the joy they bring me. Here's to a good end of the school year!

  3. Yes! It’s tough to realize you will say goodbye to some students forever, but always know the seeds you planted in them for 180 days will eventually bloom into greatness!
