Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Notebook Memories

Many of my students asked if it was time to toss their notebooks today.  They showed me several spiral notebooks with warn out tops and springs with the words, Social Studies- Levine on them.

My initial reaction was, "Sure, why not?"

Then, after a few seconds of thought I said, "Wait, maybe you might want to hold on to them."

These notebooks are filled with social studies notes.  They are also filled with memories, their memories of who they were and what they thought this year.

I explain the following to them:

You know, you might want to hold on to those.  When I was younger, I kept all of my notebooks and folders and when I was a bit older and getting ready to move...I found them.  Looking at them reminded me of who I was back then.  I studied my handwriting back then.  I looked at my methods of taking notes.  I enjoyed looking at the side notes that I wrote to myself or someone sitting next to me.  I listened to my voice of my writing and wondered what I was thinking when I wrote this...what or who was important to me back then.

Also, many of my past students have contacted me in the past and told me that they used the notes from my class for their high school and even college classes.  

You never know...you may want to save them...

Or, maybe your parents or guardians might save them for you.

All but one of them kept their notebooks today.

It made me smile and remember...

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine



  1. I'm 51 and just threw out some notebooks from college! I'm not sure I needed to tote them around through all these years and many moves, but I did find it interesting to revisit them before tossing them. I like this line: "Looking at them reminded me of who I was back then."

  2. A Thirdlander was looking through her notebook today and said, “Look how cute my handwriting was at the beginning of the year.”
