Sunday, April 22, 2018


Empathy is an essential part of being human.  From what I understand, we are the only animals that can practice empathy.  Even though all humans are apparently capable of empathy, I am finding it more and more common that people choose NOT to practice this human art.

Empathy- putting yourself in one's shoes.  Understanding what it feels like to be another person as they go through whatever it is that they are going through.  It is a human condition!

In our world of fast food, remote controls, drive throughs, we are certainly aiming towards losing this human condition.  We are becoming the ME culture.  We are becoming so selfish that we are losing the capacity to feel for others, to understand and show empathy for their suffering.

"As long as it doesn't effect me, I am good"

I see this on social media and hear it on the news...

Maybe it is because I am a teacher.

Maybe it is because I was a Therapist in another time.

Maybe it is because the way I was raised...or born.

I DON'T choose to be empathic, I just AM.

We need connections and relationships.  We need others.  We are not designed to be isolated in our own minds and concerns.

To Be Continued...

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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