Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Motivation Mindset?

I have really been doing a lot of reflecting on Mindset lately.  I have participated in a few Twitter chats about it.  The overall thinking is that there are two types of educational Mindsets- Fixed and Growth.  Fixed is the belief that you are as good or smart as you are going to be.  Growth is a belief that with the right things in place, you can push yourself and challenge yourself towards growth.

As I watch my students with both of these lenses, I have to say that I am seeing much more than these two mindsets have to offer.  I am also seeing an unmotivated and motivated mindset.  Just because a student is under the belief system that they can grow, there is an underlying question of motivation.

Much of this motivation comes from belief systems, I would agree, but what I am seeing is more of a historical apathy in education that stands in the way, even when growth is seen as possible.

So...what does this mean?

It means that from my observations, I will make attempts to create motivation in my learners prior to addressing the fixed or growth mindsets.

Now- how to produce motivation?

I am planning on starting with being real with students and have them make choices...some choices they feel that they don't need to make just yet.

This is a process.

It is heavy on my mind as I reflect on mindset.

I plan on being successful.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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