Friday, April 13, 2018


Communication is an interesting thing.  We all need to communicate as that is the way that we get our points across or our needs met.  Communication can be hard.  It often takes a certain delicate touch to make sure that we are assertive without being aggressive.  Our points must be clear to be truly heard.

I use the term delicate.

I do so purposely as if we push too hard, we can break the relationship or at least cause it harm. If we are too gentle, we leave ourselves to feel unheard and sometimes taken advantage of.

These ideas are very evident in our adult relationships...

But... What about our relationships with kids?

Do we use the sensitivity that is essential to fostering the relationship?

Do we balance that fine line and watch that we don't become too aggressive?

Are we considering that our students do not have the experience in communication that we have, nor have they mastered the art of communication in all if its balance?

I have to say that most adults that I know have yet to get here.

I have made a promise to myself to be more intentionally aware of my communication with my students the rest of the year. I want balance in my messages to my students and at the same time, I want to be a good model for them.

Of course, this is so important to our students that are not getting the balanced communication from home and are often not heard.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine



  1. Balance is so important. Sometimes I get kind of hyped up and need to bring it down a notch. I love my students a lot . At this time of the year, we’re like family and that can be a little crazy

    1. I can certainly tell that you love your students. Mark
