Thursday, December 6, 2018

Ready for some changes

As we enter into the last two weeks of the first semester, I am at a place of reflection per usual.  Did I do enough, should I have pushed my students harder, should I have expected more, did I offer enough energy and inspiration, was I present enough, did my lessons create enough curiosity and motivation for learning...

I know I am pretty hard on myself and consistently have enormous exceptions for myself in my work. work directly impacts the futures of others.  I have to make sure that I am at my best and doing everything I possibly can with the times that I have.

Am I ready for some changes?


I am always reinventing my teaching as I grow in thinking through various means of professional development and reflection of my work.  My students are always my best teachers as they teach me daily, what they need, thus...what I need to be doing to be most effective.

So what have my students taught me this year that I need to correct for in semester two?

I have listened and learned and have come up with this incomplete list so far...

*  Smaller units

*  More vocabulary

*  More formative feedback

*  More clarity on standards

*  Better developed rubrics

*  Student self-assessment using clear and concise rubrics

*  Standards-Based communication of growth

*  More energy in engaging my students from minute one

Again, this is a partial list, but it is meaty enough to create my plans for personal growth and planning over break to make the second semester everything that I want it to be and my students need it to be.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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