Saturday, June 30, 2018


I will get to it someday.

That is what I have told myself about so many things through the years.

A couple of years ago, my wife gave me this quote as a reminder and a nudge.  I think it was about my writing, but it could have been about so many other things...

As the days, months, and even years pass...this quote becomes more true as well as more personal.  In fact, it is beginning to hurt a little.  What might I mean by "hurt?"  As I reflect on the many years that have gone by that I have told myself that I want to do something and that I will get to it one day, I become aware that way too many years have passed.

It is time.  Now.  If I want to do something, be something, experience something...Now is the time.

Buddha believed, after coming from extreme wealth and choosing a life of pure simplicity, that the more you have, the more stress that you have.  I am taking from that to understand that the more you put off, the more stress that you hold on to as there is regret that you never got to it, or the eventual loss in hope that you might get to it...

My solution-

Reflect on what means the most to me- prioritize.

Let go of the things/ideas/hopes that really do not fit with who I am at this point.

Be intentional about what means something to me and DO IT!

It is truly through experiences that we live life.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Friday, June 29, 2018

Half-Way there

I was at my school yesterday for a training.  During a break, I stopped by my classroom.  It is in the middle of the cleaning process which includes some major work on the floors.  The floors are stripped and awaiting the many coats of wax that will last the school year and endure 180-days of over 600 kids.

As I walked into the room, seeing my piles of stuff, I got energized for the new school year.  My mind went two places.  First, I thought about how I will set things up this year.  Will it be different, the same, a hybrid, or will I see the cause to reinvent everything?  Also, I felt the excitement of students learning which made me eager to get back to what I do best....guiding students in their learning.

I know I need time to relax and re-energize, but looking forward to the next school year is always motivating and exciting.

Soon, it will be time to design the room, paint and refresh some things, and set things up so my students can enjoy their environment and learn like they never thought that they could!

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Looking through an Open Mind...

As I listened to the England v Belgium world cup game this afternoon, the announcers were unsure if England was in this game to win it.  Some felt that since they already made it to the next round, they rested up a bit and simply enjoyed the game. This was interesting, especially for England.

Don't get me wrong, soccer, world and domestic, is very competitive.  I used to feel my blood pressure rise while watching Chicago Fire games while they threw away leads or played as if the were wearing bricks in their socks.

Now though, through a mindset change and some mindful reflections, I am at a wonderful place of enjoying the game.  It is globally called the "Beautiful Game" and it truly lives up to the title.

I know so many people who do not like soccer or find it incredibly boring.  I feel that is because they haven't got to the place with the sport that they appreciate it.  For some things in life, we need to give them some time, some patience, a chance.  So many of us make quick decisions based on so little and we live with those decisions and judgements. 

What we need is time, patience, and an open mind.  Not just for soccer, but for life...for each other...for ourselves.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Wednesday, June 27, 2018


I had a wonderful lunch with friends today.  One of my friends brought up the notion of gratitude.  I have been reflecting on what the terms means, what it looks and feels like, and whether or not I practice it enough.  The end that I do not practice gratitude intentionally.  I am thankful and gracious when the time comes and I react to the circumstances.  I have not been intentionally in appreciation.

I am not okay with this.

I like to think that I am positive, but this is a whole new ballgame. 

I really enjoy this graphic from

The power of gratitude is amazing.  According to,
there are 31 benefits of gratitude.  What I appreciate most about the benefits are those that have a healthy (physical and emotional) effect on me.  These include:  Making me happier, making me more positive, making me more spiritual, and making more motivated to enjoy life.

The idea and concept of Gratitude is so much deeper of an idea that I could have imagined.  I plan on enjoying the new journey towards gratitude and practice with intention.  I want to realize all 31 of the benefits that this found resource has to offer.  I want to be a best version of me!

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

What is fun?

I had a nice talk with 21 of my future students today.  When I asked them how their summers are going, their answers were all depressingly the same.


"I haven't done anything" 


I followed up to that question and their answers with, "Do you wish that you were back in school?"

All of their answers rang of a similar apathetic tone.


"I dunno"

"Not really"

I find it interesting that our students do not know what to do without structure.  I kind of feel sad for them. 

When I was a kid, summers meant that we were out from the time we woke up until the streetlights came on.  There was nothing boring about summer because we created our fun.  We invented games, played 1000 versions of tag, and didn't care about the weather.  We didn't ask our parents to entertain us.  We had no cell phones.  We had neighborhood friends.

As I talked to this group of 7th and 8th graders, I felt compelled to teach them how to have fun.  I knew, all too well, that my definition of fun when I was their age is not something that they would accept as fun.

We need to do something!  We are creating listless Zombies who are losing touch with creativity and the ability to have fun for more than a few minutes at a time.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Monday, June 25, 2018

Mindful Walks

On my walk today, second day in a row of trying to be healthy...

I decided to practice something that use to be a natural part of my daily life.  Mindful Walking.

Mindful Walking is an interesting meditative technique that requires and produces focus.  The focus needed to meditate.

To Mindfully walk, one must slow their walk down enough to notice everything that happens in their body while they walk.  The best place is to begin in the feet.  Notice the feel that the ground has on your feet.  Notice the pressure.  Stay with that a while.  Then, notice the way that your feet feel in your socks.  Feel the texture of the fabric on your skin.  Finally, notice your steps.  Be intentional in the way that your feet move within each step.

This is clearly a beginner type of mindful walk as eventually, one takes into account the entire body- arms, torso, etc.

While I was mindfully walking today I noticed a few things.

I noticed that my mind slowed down and enjoyed my walk.

I noticed my back ache slowly go away.

I noticed that sounds went away, even though I was near the road with cars.

I noticed feeling relaxed.

I think it is incredible that when we are mindful of things, we are more intentional.  When we are intentional, we are more successful and we enjoy our journey just a little bit more when there is a goal in the end.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Helping Nature

On my walk today, in a renewed mission to get healthy, I saw a bird that didn't seem to be able to fly.  As I got closer, I noticed that it was caught in the netting that usually is part of a roll of grass patch, put there to keep the seeds and fertilizer together. 

The bird, a sparrow had the netting around its neck.  I had to do something.  I am not sure if he or she would be able to eventually be able to work themselves out of being caught.  I walked closer to the bird and it hesitantly looked at me as if to say, "I would really love some help, but I am not sure if I trust you."

I went for it.  I gently pulled on the netting to see how the bird was caught.  It was clearly around the bird's neck.  As I moved the netting, the bird softly nipped at me once, but there seemed to be no fear after that.  I lifted the netting.  The bird moved its head around checking to see if it was in fact, free.  It looked at me and flew away.

I was left with a few questions.

Would others had stopped to help this bird?

Would others had left the bird thinking, poor bird, but not my problem?

Would others put their fears before helping the bird?

I also wondered...

Would those who would have stopped to help the bird, also stop to help a person in need?

What motivates us to stop or to move on?

What lines or boundaries to we create that makes the decisions about when or if we might stop to help a fellow human?

For me, helping others is in my nature.  I admit, sometimes I may have allowed helping others or animals put me in a potential of harm, but...I continue to be that person because it is who I am.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Real Relaxation

As I sat in a lounge chair in my backyard for the 4th day in a row.  I realized that I was relaxed.  Four days ago, even though I was sitting in the same chair, I was not relaxed.

Being relaxed as much, if not more so, a state of mind as it is a state of body.  If we have things weighing heavily on our minds, no matter what our body does, relaxation will not come.  In fact, I have found it is more essential to relax the mind than it is to relax the body.

I can be in the car and relax.  I can be at school and relax.  This does not mean that I am in a relaxed position, it means that my mind is quiet and allowing me to simply..."Be."

Relaxation, like meditation, is an intentional act.  We must make sure that we are doing all of the right things to actually accomplish what we are setting out to do.

One must give themselves permission to let go, or take a break from the stressors of life.  No guilt.  No, "I Shoulds."  Just a time out from whatever is weighing on the mind...let it go!

With this in mind, my summer break will be all the more rejuvenating.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Friday, June 22, 2018

Intent of the Other

All week long, I have watched birds come to my office window, just a couple of feet from where I sit and write.  These birds are not simply visiting.  They are here to destroy my window screen.  It is an older screen, the one that the builder used when building the house some 13 years ago.  I have replaced several other screens due to the various visits from birds.

To me, they are destroying my screens and costing me about $38.50.  To them, the birds are simply being resourceful as they gather resources from the location so they can build a home, a nest, a place of comfort. 

There is no malice.  There is no intent to harm.  To the birds, the screen sits there for them to take.  They are completely unaware that they are destroying anything. 

I considered suing the local bird population for the $38.50 (X 6-windows), but on what grounds?

If the screens were in better shape, they would not be able to destroy them.

No intent to harm.  No motive other than being birds and following instincts.

In life, it is so important to see what the intent of the other person or being truly is.  Sometimes, we take things personally when they are nothing more than survival on the part of the other.  It is our duty to see the other side...Empathy in its truest form.  This is what Co-existing in our world is about.  We all have our own nature and journey. Let's consider the journey of others while we work within our own.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Thursday, June 21, 2018


Self care often requires that we are honest with ourselves.  This can mean carious things at different times.

For me, being honest with myself means:

1.  If I am not feeling well, I acknowledge it.

2. If I don't want to do something, I am real with myself and say, "no."

3. If I do want to do something, I advocate for it.

4. If I am sad, I don't tell myself to get over it.

5. If I feel like I am done, I stop.

This type of care, I have found, requires courage, communication, and self-reflection.  Often, taking care of ourselves can mean that there might be confrontation.  We have to stand up to someone to make sure that we are getting what we need.

If we are locked into a cycle of not being honest with ourselves, it will require that we are more aware and intentional in our practice.  Taking care of ourselves requires a choice to do so.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Quiet Mind

The dogs are sleeping, my wife is out of town, the World Cup game just ended and it it quiet.  Silent.

I may be weird, but sometimes, not always...I really enjoy sitting in silence.  I tend to hear my mind better in silence.  I hear my emotions, my wishes, and my self-expectations.  They are often quiet, but they are there if you listen with unimpeded quiet.

Quiet is different for people.  One might find their quiet at a loud concert.  Another might find their quiet playing golf.  I used to find my quiet fishing by myself along rivers away from traffic noise, lawn mowers, and people.  When I heard a raccoon or bird, they just became part of my quiet.

I think we all need our version of quiet at times.  It helps us to get back in touch we ourselves and who we are.  For me, it is a time I can ask myself, "What do I need from, and in the future?"

Quiet can also mean a stillness of mind.  When I meditate, I often ask myself for quiet.  This would be to say that I am asking for my mind to let go of the thoughts and concerns that fly around in my mind and simply become present in the moment.  This is my favorite kind of quiet.  This can be done anytime, anywhere.

Being quiet and being IN quiet takes practice.  But...I feel it is one of the nicest gifts that you can give to yourself.  Be patient.  Be Quiet.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Stress free World Cup

I love soccer, world Football.  It is World Cup season and I could not be more thrilled.  I really don't mind that the USA team isn't in it.  Less to stress about.  This gives me the relaxed opportunity to simply enjoy the game.  This season (first week) so far has been amazingly full of surprises and upsets.  It is showing the true beauty of the game.  So much goes into a win, but anyone has the chance to win on any given match day.

I am really enjoying watching, listening, and hearing about each match.

Some do stress about it.  There are countries that take the sport way more seriously than the USA has to this date.  Historically, there have been players hurt and even killed when they returned home for not performing in the name of their nation.  That is stress!

Pretty drastic, huh?

Soccer is a wonderful sport if you are patient and get to know it.  It is so much more than kicking the ball around and running.  The strategies and skills are amazing.  Give it a try...especially while the world is involved.  For the love of the game.  Enjoy.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Monday, June 18, 2018

Thankful for time

Today, I am thankful for a little time off of school.  I started the day with a nice list of errands...


As I was leaving the house, I got a call from my wife that she was in an accident.  Some guy had pulled in front of her.  She was fine.  Shaken, but fine.  Her nice car...not so much.

The day turned into getting  her, going to the body shop, and getting a car rental.  And...a lot of calls to the insurance company, online forms, and so on...

NOT the way that the day was supposed to go, but...I have the time and brain space, as well as patience to go through this kind of a day thanks to a little bit of a break from school.  Next week, I am taken all five days.  Next week would not have been so easy.

I am thankful.

I am thankful for my wife being safe.

I am thankful for great insurance.

I am thankful for wonderful people at the Auto Body and Rental place.

I am thankful for the time to deal with all of this.

I am thankful for the opportunity to reflect.


On to tomorrow.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Sunday, June 17, 2018

What is Mindful Literacy?

The name of my blog is Mindfulliteracy.  I would like to take the opportunity to explain what I mean by Mindful Literacy...since I have posted over 160 blog posts with that tag.

Mindfullness is the idea that we are in focus and intentional in our world.  We only allow what is in front of us to matter to the mind.  We notice the distractions and stressors in life, but we release them without emotionally attaching to them.  We, more or less, simply wave high to them, and then get back to our focus.

Mindlessness is the opposite.  It is when we are simply going through the motions letting life lead us as opposed to us intentionally leading our lives.

The Literacy part is steeped in what we educationally know as literacy, but I take creative license and expand it to mean a bit more than reading and writing.  First, I include thinking.  I believe that we cannot have efficient reading and writing without intentional thought.  Next, I include the act and art of "being."  This is just being human within our world.  We are connected and have our lives.  We made decision and have relationships that shape who we are.  This, too, is at the heart of learning.  Also, literacy reflects life.  It is the act and art of living through choice.  Instead of being mindless in our day-to-day life, we are taking the time to reflect and live how we want to live.

For those of you who have chosen to take a peak at what I am building here, thank you.  I hope this makes sense and even provokes you to visit more often.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Enjoying People

I have had the luxury of reflecting on the impact of the people in my life lately.  I really see myself as quite lucky to have such an array of incredibly special people that influence and inspire my daily life.

The list is long and includes, writers, teachers, bloggers, Twitter friends, colleagues, and family.

We often rely on others as supports, but when we can rely on them for inspiration, to help our minds grow, that is much a different story.

As I close the chapter of this year's writer's retreat, I am more than thankful for the wonderful conversations, the true appreciation for each other as people and writers, and the connections we make as educators.

It is rare that when a group of people get together, that they become larger than the sum of the whole, but this past week...I experienced it first hand and it was amazing.

Do yourself a favor.  Enjoy people.  Learn from the and allow yourself to be inspired by them.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Friday, June 15, 2018

Inspirational People

Today my writing retreat came to an end...for now.  One thing that we all noticed through this process is the importance of having inspirational people to talk writing with.  A simple conversation with great minds like I was privileged to be with, can inspire so many writing and teaching ideas.  So many!

In three days, I spent about 15 hours writing, 5 hours in critique and feedback, and countless hours enjoying the wonderful people that I get to write with.

Every writer deserves this!

My advice:

Find a group of passionate educators and talk about the pieces of education that you are passionate about.  Talk with them and brainstorm what they world needs to learn from you all.  Take this inspiration and go write in your blog, write an article, or even write a book.

You will grow from the process if anything else, I promise.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Writing Zone

I love that I am reminded that there is such a thing as the writing zone.  It is a place where writing becomes a natural function of who you are.  It becomes part of you as you become part of it. 

The writing is comfortable and creates its own flow.  It is as if the writing becomes its own mind and helps you, the writer, to get the words to the paper (or screen).

The feeling is comfortable, not pressed or shoved.  The writing floats above you in guidance of its ideas and journey.

I am in the second day of my writing retreat and I am truly in the writing zone.  I have been able to write more, and with much better quality, than I thought possible.  I am gladly looking forward to the next day and a half of this place of mind.

Writing, along side other writers, where you share your soul and words in an effort to become a better writer is the most amazing thing.  I suppose I can relate it to a runner's high (something I only know from my youth).

I am thankful for this opportunity.  I hope others seek to find this gift.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Writers inspire writing


I am at the start of the writing retreat that I am attending and the first thing that I notice is that I am inspired immediately, just being in the same room as these other writers.  They are shining with great writing ideas and their words are always amazing and authentic.

As we talk writing, the conversation alone creates so much inspiration within me that my idea machine is flipped on and I am teaming with inspired writing territories.

I do not get to experience this enough, but when I do...I am clearly reminded the power of writing side by side with other writers.  It is magic.  If you haven't had the experience, please make some calls now and set something up.

This isn't a writer's group.  This is just writers talking about writing.  It can be with anyone you trust and enjoy in the writing world. 

Do it!

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Learning in the Summer

So...I did a thing today.  At the end of the school year, I was able to find out who will be in my classes next school year.  At the end of the year, I signed them all up to their new Google Classrooms and asked them to check in the last week of school.

I created a voluntary Social Studies/Literacy Summer Boot Camp.  I am hosting it every two weeks for the entire summer.  I have invited my 7th grade honors students to come in for a 10a-12p session and my 8th grade honors students to come in for a 12p-2p session.

It was a success!  I didn't expect a ton of kids to come in, but...I was able to get 13 students to break from their summer time to come in and learn with me!  I am so proud of them.  We did intensive historical analysis with primary and secondary sources while practicing more than 6 literacy standards.

What is more exciting?  More students have signed up for the next session in 2-weeks!

This taught me a lot about my students.

* They like school.

* They like learning.

* My teaching engages them.

* I am worth giving up 2 hours of their break for Learning!

Feeling great!

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Monday, June 11, 2018

The Act of Writing

I have said this before, and have heard it many many times... Writing is hard.

I am sitting here trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am preparing for a writer's retreat this week.  I am breaking my brain over the dozen or so writing ideas (for articles) that I have collected in the past week.


I am attempting to start the writing process for this project.

I have learned, through my blog and other writing before I started the blog, that writing is a mindset.  There are so many emotions that hit you hard when you sit down and prepare to write.  The first thought that slaps me in the face is, "what if this isn't good enough?"  I want my writing to be acceptable and meaningful.  I want it to have flow and make sense to the readers.

The next thought that stands in front of me is, "Is my idea that I am writing about relevant and worth reading?" It is one thing to get words on paper, but to get the idea out there that someone sees as important enough to read and maybe good enough to try in their classroom...that is...stressful?

When I write these blog posts, they are really RAW streams of consciousness.  When I am writing an article for publication or a chapter in a book, there are so many things to concern myself with.

Flow- is it easy to read?

Structure- is it organized well?

Fullness- is the idea complete and leave the reader understanding?

Focus- are there too many ideas rolling around in one read?

Clarity- is the idea clear and concise?

Interest- is the article interesting enough?

Voice- am I telling the story in a way that others can connect to?

The list, for me, continues on...

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Sunday, June 10, 2018

I shot, I scored

Well, my stretching my comfort zone went very well.  This was after a wise person, my wife, reminded me to stay in the moment and enjoy where I am in the present.

I followed her advice.

I felt like a little kid.  I was so excited.  I got to hang out with the opposing team while they warmed up...then it was my turn. 

We walked out to the "spot"...this is where the ball goes for a Penalty Kick.

The mascot, a Dalmatian named Sparky, and I played around warming up and a few high fives...all while on camera.

Then it was time.  Time to make or miss the shot.  The representative gave me some advice.  Sparky usually goes to his right and he doesn't bend down to stop the shots.  I decided to go straight for the middle.  My shot was dead center, but Sparky didn't move until he jumped, right at the correct moment and the ball went into the net. 



I had a blast and will remember this for a long time.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Saturday, June 9, 2018

Chicago Fire first kick

Some days, I like to push myself out of my comfort zone.  Some days take me way out of my comfort zone.  Today will be one of those days.

I have been a fan of soccer (Football) since High, forever.

I have been a Chicago Fire season ticket holder since 2007.

I am not what you might call in practice in playing soccer.  I coached for 22 years and have a lot of time with the ball, has been years since my foot has touched the ball.

The event that will take me out of my comfort zone?

Today, I will be taking the "First Kick" in front of the entire crowd of people.

What does this mean?

I will be, shooting on goal from the penalty spot with the Mascot in goal.  Yes, it will be televised.

Do I care if I make the goal?


Do I care if the shot goes somewhere near the goal?

Umm, nervously yes.  And I rarely get nervous do anything in front of people.

Wish me luck.

Or, the peace of mind to allow myself to not do so well and still be fine with it.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Friday, June 8, 2018

Dad's gift

I am struggling with what to give my father for Father's day. 

He has anything and everything that he might need or want.  He is older, and has very few hobbies if any.  The last 100 or so gifts that I have got for him have ended up on a shelf in his closet (unless they were edible) or he eventually gave them back to me forgetting that I was the one that gave it to him in the first place.

I have been, for many years, getting him something just to get him something.  I am really not into that anymore.

My wife, who can help me to reflect, offered the idea of getting him an experience.  I love this idea.  My father cannot put the experience on a shelf.  He can't give it back to me.  I get to have the experience with him.  And best of all, I get to see him enjoy himself.  Okay-maybe then the gift is for me, but it is something that means much more to me than giving him another 5-pound bag of Root beer barrel candies.

Gift giving is hard...especially when you really want it to mean something and not be a motion of good will.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Thursday, June 7, 2018

A Gift from me, to me

I think there should be a new holiday of sorts.  I think every teacher should be expected to celebrate the end of the school year by giving themselves a gift.  I think there should be greeting cards for teachers to get at the local stores that celebrate the end of the year and say something like.

I had an amazing school year, I ROCK!

I persevered in the face of too many tests and new mandates!

I am great and NOT the mess that parents claim that I am to my admin.

I stopped myself from slapping any kids this year.  YAY for me! the reason that my students will be successful in college.

Go Me!  I am still motivated to return next year.  (After a long summer break, of course)

Well, you get the idea.


To think of what I want to give myself as a gift!

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Self Care is well deserved

Being a teacher means that your time is very unlikely your own as the school year goes on.  One nice thing about the summer is that there can be little pockets to simply take care of yourself.  Self care, I have found, is essential to mental and physical health.  We need to allow ourselves to let go of thinking and planning, concerning and stressing, and simply "Be" now and then.

I have found so much benefit in letting go and allowing myself to be what I might consider "lazy" at times.  As long as you don't let the guilt of any kind to sneak in, the refreshing sense of the freedom of mind is blissful.

Teachers deserve time for themselves.  We are such a giving breed of people that we often forget the most important person.

I love this (above) reminder.

Fill your cup first.  I know it isn't always easy with the stress of life, but it and YOU are certainly worth it.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Choose Positive

I read a lot about certain emotions being a choice.  I am sad.  I am happy.  I am in a good mood.  I am angry.  I am learning more and more that it is a choice, but maybe also a mindset.  We have to allow ourselves to feel a certain way, not just will it. 

Just the same we that we can decide to focus on the negative aspects of life, we can also choose to simply key on the positives in life and not allow the negatives to get to us.

I am reminded by this image, that positive attracts positive, this negative attracts negative.

Simple exercise that works for me as well as others that look at the positives in life...

Start the day with a positive mantra.

Immediately start looking for the positives in life.

When we see or feel something that brings you towards negative, acknowledge its existence, but look for the positive within it.

End the day reflecting on all of the positives in your day.

Yes...positive CAN become a habit.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Monday, June 4, 2018

Letting go of Mindless life

Sometimes in life, we get so busy doing things that we forget who we are. Literally.  We become Automatrons that show up where and when we are supposed to. We shower and get ready in the morning, mindlessly.  We drive from one place to another, not having any recollection of how we got to the next place.

This IS NOT living life.

There is an obvious difference between mindless and mindful.

Mindlessly, we travel through time with no connection to anything or anyone.  We are comatose in our actions.

Mindfully, we are aware of each element of our journey. We stop and notice the smells and tastes of life through every step.  We have connected emotions to the nuances of life. There is caring and reflection in our beings that allows us to be truly human.

If the choice of the two for us is obvious, why do we end up going on autopilot at times?

I contend that this is a choice.  We allow ourselves to be swept up in the daily events and routines of life that that our humanity away.

Make the choice to live your life with mindful intention.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Experience More

In a world where we buys things to make us happy or attempt to find fulfillment, there are still people who chose to live (and work) for the experience.  They find the most living in the experience.  As I get older, more grounded...I am finding the balance to go much more towards the experience.

When I was younger, I was very much about camping, fishing, hiking, and looking for life.  I owned very little and that was fine.  Today, I own way too much stuff.  I have been limited on experiences though. 

I think it is time to change this.

My wife and I frequently go to concerts, but it has been about 95% all BoDeans.  In the past 12+ years, we have seen them at least 36 times.  Yes...I know all of the songs by heart.  Yes, I still enjoy the show!

A couple of years ago, we went to see the BoDeans, and Toad the Wet Sprocket opened for them.  Man, did I enjoy that show!  (See image below)

I am not sure what more experiences mean to me at this moment, is where I am heading.  I could sure use to lose bunches of stuff and gain more life!

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Saturday, June 2, 2018

A simple mindful practice

One of my favorite parts of practicing mindfulness is that you can let go of everything and focus on a single thing.  It is wonderful for getting through a stressful situation.

The practice-

Sit quietly and focus on one idea or item.

When thoughts come invading your mind, say hello to them, and let them float up into the sky and out of sight.

Keep doing this until eventually, the only thing that is in focus is the idea or item that you intended to focus on.

When ready, slowly allow the world to come back to water filling a small pool.

Notice that you are now no longer in the stress, but are now outside looking in at it.

Mindfulness is such a gift to give yourself.

I am in the process of writing about it for a book that will be finished this summer.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


Friday, June 1, 2018

Just Sit

Balance is something that I have been working on for years...many years.  The most difficult thing for me to balance in my life is relaxation.  I have a hard time after a great, long school just sit.

Sitting is so important.  I do meditate which is really intentional sitting, but to actually just sit.  No guilt. No "I should be doing..."  No multi-tasking. Just sitting. 

I am not a fan of TV unless it is educational TV while I eat or Football ( not American, but soccer).  I am excited for the World cup to begin in two weeks.

I have my lists of things to do.  I have my major writing lists of essential things to get out this summer.  I have some things that I want to build.  I have a lot competing with just sitting.

My plan, as I have learned in meditation, is to be intentional.  Literally make the time and schedule in time to sit without guilt.  Just be.  Then- I know I will not be lazily wasting time while I know that time is set aside for Not Sitting, but being productive.

Let's give it a go.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine
