Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Etched Brain

My current self-directed learning has been about the human brain (and mind) this month.  I have been watching a series by Dr. David Eagleman and reading some supplementary materials to go along with it.  Today, I learned that practicing something...anything, literally etches the automatic memory and skill set into our brains.

What does this mean?

When we ride a bike, as it becomes more automatic to balance and steer, the practice and ability becomes etched into our brain.  The same happens for golf swings, bowling, and driving a car.  As well, typing, playing a musical instrument, and much of our manual labor activities.


As I am learning this, I cannot help but wonder- What about reading?  This took some digging, but there is proof that the skills it takes to be a good reader with intelligent grasp of content as well as vocabulary also can be etched into the brain through....wait for it.... Practice!!!

Now, most of us knew this, or at least recognized that this was common sense.  But we can now actually know exactly where in the brain this process is etched into our brains.


Much like anything that requires practice, if we stop practicing, or lesses our routines, the etching becomes less pronounced.  In other words, if we don't use it...we lose it!

I love brain-based learning that can be proven with the newest science.  I think I will stay with this learning topic for a while longer.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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