Thursday, August 23, 2018

Owl on my mind

Last night, my wife and I heard loud "Hooting" and asked each other, "what was that?"  We were not sure if it was the TV or a radio, or ....

I walked around the house and it was LOUD.

I went by the back door and it was clearly outside.

I opened the door just slightly and it was clearly a Great Horned Owl in my trees just feet from my back door.

I love birds of prey!  I love nature!  But my tiny dogs...they are food for animals like this.

We took the dogs out with a huge flashlight shining into the trees.  We watched the dogs like a Hawk!  They were fine.

But...we were NOT!

We individually thought about all of the possibilities and the image of our tiny dogs being carried away by the raptor was not easy to let go of.


The nest has been in our yard for months.  I am sure the thing didn't move in yesterday.  It is our awareness that makes us nervous and cautious.

I think we often live life like this.  We live our lives with limited stress until we notice something and then, BOOM, we stress and consider all of the issues associated with our new found stressor.

Sometimes being Mindful, or aware becomes our enemy.  We have to be careful what we let our mindful thinking do to us.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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