Monday, August 6, 2018


What is a favor?

It is a gesture of goodwill, hope, or maybe help.  It is something that the asker or needer knows and acknowledges that the doer has gone out of their way to accomplish.

Recently, I have seen the exchange of favors in so many corners of my life.  My father lent us his car while one of our cars were in the shop.  My niece picked up some scrap metal to bring to another friend so they can bring it in for some cash to help with the bills.  The list goes on...and on.

Favors are shared.

They do not have to be reciprocal in nature.  They are done without strings or expectations.

We see favors happening all of the time.  We are doing favors for others all of the time.

Are we aware?  Are we mindful?

What a shame it can be if favors that are directly related to us or we are witness to go un-noticed or taken for granted.  Favors and the love behind them should be celebrated!

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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