Monday, August 27, 2018

Appreciation for weather

I have to admit, even though winter was wicked last year, I am ready for cooler weather.  I have been holding off admitting it as family and friends are talking about looking forward to Hoodie weather with campfires, but the 90+ degree weather this week has me agreeing with them.  It is time.

Living in the Midwest, we have the luxury of actual seasons.  Sometimes we get them and there is actually a transition period.  Sometimes, we go from 90s to 40s in the matter of a few days.

We all learn to live with this.  It is the charm of living in the Midwest and builds GRIT while we cope with the extreme cold and humid heat.

I believe the most important thing is that we enjoy what we have.  In other words, if you can't be in the moment and just enjoy what is in front of you, you are taking what the seasons have to offer for granted.  Nothing should be taken for granted.  Not should any person.

I am choosing to enjoy what is, each day, and being mindful and aware of my appreciation.  Let's appreciate what we have!

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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