Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Honeymoon Period

I had a fellow teacher ask me if I thought the honeymoon period was over yet?

I asked why...

Her response was, "because the kids are still engaged and well behaved."

This is a newer teacher that had a rough go of it last year.

I explained to her that I am not seeing evidence of a honeymoon period or the end of one.  It is up to us, the teachers, to keep the class lively and uphold our positive expectations.  We set the tone and need to be well aware of our mindset towards our classes and students.  If we expect students to disengage, we have to ask ourselves if we are doing something to alter engagement.  If we expect our students to misbehave, we need to ask ourselves if we are changing anything that might cause this to happen.

Students read their teachers.  They are professionals at it.  They can feel a lack of confidence in a teacher and that can change the culture of the classroom.  If a teacher doesn't believe in their students, they will perform at the expected levels...high OR low.

Self-reflective teachers are aware of their attitudes and mindsets.

They are always the most successful.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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