Monday, August 20, 2018

Caring Teacher

"I don't think I have ever had a teacher care so much about their students on the 5th days of school"

I have very mixed feelings when I hear things like this.  You should have had lots of teachers that have cared that much by the start of your 8th grade year! the same time, this type of comment lets me know that what I am doing, who I am, my intentions...are working well and students are realizing very quickly that I care about each one unconditionally from the start.

Sure, I am flattered.  But how cool would it be if I heard and knew that my students felt that all of their teachers cared and connected with them as I do?  What would their success look like?  How much farther would they be academically or behaviorally?  How much better adjusted or mature might they be?

Luckily, I teach with many teachers that are as connected with students as I am.  My closest colleagues (and wife who is also a colleague) are very much in the group of the most connected.  I love hearing when these people are my students favorite or how much they love these teachers!

It isn't a competition.  It is a desire to want all students in my building and beyond to feel connected to their teachers and know that they genuinely care about them as students and people.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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