Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Time Effects

One of my all-time favorite students from 5-years ago stopped by today.  It was wonderful seeing how he has changed, but at the same time, was very much the same person that I knew back then.

Teachers who stay in contact with their students get to be part of an interesting study in human growth and development.  We get to see the physical and emotional changes through time.  We see how and when students mature.  And most importantly, we get to see first hand, the influences and effects of variables on the lives of our students as they grow.

What do I mean by this?

It is more than interesting to see the results and effects of the following:

Social Economic Status

Whether or not the student goes to any college

How seriously the students take High School

If the students live with both parents

(Sadly, sometimes race is a factor)

If the student has siblings

If the student was a success in Middle School

If the student was involved in Band, Sports, or Drama

The list obviously can go on and on as it might in a sociological study.

What I noticed today was a bilingual student who is ready for college as he prepares to go into the Armed Forces as an Officer.  He is polite, well groomed, outgoing and socially proper.

I have found through the years that I have looked at my current students and wondered...who and what will he or she be doing in 5-years.  It is wonderful to be able to find out with so many of my past students that choose to find me and keep in touch.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


1 comment:

  1. How rewarding to have a chance to spend some time with a former student!
