Friday, July 27, 2018

Planning with Purpose

I started working on plans for the first week of school today.  I really enjoy planning.  I get to put together standards from three different sources including National and State standards and turn this all into learning for my students.  It is a challenge, but also requires a formula of sorts.

Once the formula is set, and the pacing is set, and the frameworks are set....

Then the fun can happen...the creation of the lessons themselves!

I look at planning as a type of puzzle in which I develop a template.  Once I establish a routine with the template, the only thing left for me is the fun creation parts!

As I am writing this, I  recognize that a lot of my life works this way.  There are expectations, I create a template or routine, and my creative energy is spent on keeping things creative, productive, and interesting.

Having an approach like this helps me to enjoy my life mindfully.  The more I can make each day worthwhile and intentional, the more life I can live.  Unfortunately, there are those days that are more mindless and leave me waking up with no plan or intention for the day....these are wasted days and I want to have less of them.  Sometimes, I deserve to float on these days and simply enjoy a free day with no plan or intention... but the goal is to be effective, efficient and have a plan.

As the school year approached, my days will be filled with intention and purpose.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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