Saturday, July 21, 2018

My Purpose

I have been reflecting on a life of retirement as I get closer to the opportunity to retire from the classroom.  I have been using summer as a guide as to consider what I might be doing with my time.  So far, I am not happy with the results. 

I feel that if I were to retire today, I would be unhappy and lacking challenge in my life.  I have hopes and dreams of writing and consulting, but there is only so much of that I can do...and then what?

Retirement seems like it doesn't fit who or what I am at this moment.  I am not sure that I will be any closer to feeling ready in 4-5 years.  At least I have that time to consider the possibilities. 

I hear that, "My entire identity is tied to being a teacher.  If I am not teaching, then who am I?"

I am believing that I fit into the same or a similar category.

I am not a teacher ONLY when it is a school day, or during the hours of school.  I am a teacher when I am sleeping, eating, shopping, reading, writing, thinking, and every moment in-between.

I can't even imagine not having my identity anymore.  I wouldn't know myself or my purpose.

Teaching is my purpose.  Every day, all day.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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