Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Mindful Eating

Did I even taste my food?

I have often gotten myself into a habit of eating just to eat.  I would eat so fast that it really didn't matter what I was eating.  It wasn't for the joy of eating, it was eating to have eaten.

Yes, there is such a thing as Mindless eating.  I fall into this trap at times and the outcomes are not good.  I gain weight, I eat garbage, I don't feel well, and I look terrible.

Lately, I have chosen to eat Mindfully.  Mindful eating is when you are intentional in what you eat while noticing the joy in the food itself.  It really is about noticing the layers of flavors in what you are eating.

This forces me to chose food more intentionally.  I am not going to mindfully eat a Big Mac!

My wife has helped me on the journey as she has brought to our cooking, healthy food with such wonderful levels of flavor that I eat enjoy the bite for a long time.  This slows my eating and allows me to notice flavors and textures.  I am eating Mindfully....and becoming more healthy.

Eating certainly isn't the only thing that we have a choice over doing it mindfully or not.  There are many aspects of life.  This could include yard work, tasks, and for me-painting.  By taking a mindful approach, it takes the hurry to get it done out of life.

Slow down.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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