Monday, July 23, 2018

Customer Service

I went to Petco today.  For Skunk Removal shampoo....but that is a whole other story.

It was a store that I had never been in and I had no idea where I might find this very specific stuff.  I wondered to the left and noticed that I was in the fish section.  Not exactly where I wanted to be.  A young woman saw me, literally dropped what she was doing and came to me with a smile.  She told me her name and asked what I was looking for.

She walked me to where I might find this special concoction.  She didn't just point or say it's over there somewhere.  She told me how sorry she was that my dogs were skunked and how consuming the process of cleaning them is.  She didn't stop there.  She explained how to use the soap, then told me to bring the dogs in if it isn't working and they will personally wash the dogs to make it easy on us.

As she was ringing my order, she stopped, and pulled out a notebook.  I looked at her as if to ask if there was something wrong.  She explained that she wanted to make sure that it wasn't going on sale any time soon because she wanted to try to save me some money.

This young woman was about 20-ish I would guess.  THIS is what one might call wonderful customer service.  Not only did I feel great in a pet store, but she caused my entire attitude to be friendly and helpful.  I couldn't wait to do something nice for people.

As I went into the next store, I help the door for many people.  I said hi to everyone that I encountered.  I was happy.  The way that this young woman treated me created a positive attitude.

Can we take this with us to school this fall?

Um... Yes!

By showing our students overly positive customer service, we can change their day, or at least make it better.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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