Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Supporting Students
In the past few weeks, I have run into so many parents that told me that school cannot start soon enough. I love my kids but I need a break from them. I am so used to dealing with them in smaller doses that it is time to get them back to school so I can enjoy them again.
I have to admit, I do not understand this sentiment.
I have no kids of my own. I do not know that feeling. If I was a parent, I am not sure if I might feel the same.
Do all parents feel this way? I am sure the answer has to be...No!
I fear that the parents that are telling me this are overwhelmed somehow. Maybe their lives are so full that the changes in responsibility of time is taxing to them? Maybe they are simply doing summer wrong? I do not know...
I want all parents to cherish the minutes that they have with their children as I do while I have their kids in my classroom. But I am not them. I do not know their situations or struggles. I want to empathize with them, but I would need to know more...and that would require diving into their personal business.
We have so many parents and students that have struggles that we will never understand as teachers. I think the best that we can do, regardless of what is conveyed to us, is to be there. To listen. And to be the safe and nurturing place that helps these students enjoy life the best that they can.
Maybe that is why I do not have kids of my own. My journey is to be the supplement to these kids and parents to help make their lives better and complete.
Regardless, I am always going to be there for my students and their worlds, their parents, their communities. It is my mission. It is who I am.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Monday, July 30, 2018
Inspiration from David
So...I have mentioned that I am involved in a writers group that meets regularly on Sunday mornings at the local Starbucks. We are all teachers and writers that work in the same building. We lovingly refer to our time together as "Church." The group consists of myself, my wife, and our great friends Jessica and David.
Since we were not able to meet yesterday for various reasons, we had Church today.
David took us on a wonderful journey through introspection. He attended a training and from the ideas expressed, he created this incredible little reminder booklet that held a mix of what he learned from the training along side his own personal beliefs about education. This is to say that the book is filled with reminders to ourselves about what we value...not a calendar of reminders.
He showed it off during our show and tell time at our last Church meeting. (There really isn't a show and tell time, but that is what it felt like). We all were in love with the idea and the finished product.
For the past week, we have been collected needed items for this project. We ordered new 9x9 notebooks with cool paper inside. I ordered new colored pencils with a fancy colored pencil sharpener. And...we got tabs to sort our notebooks.
Well, today was the meeting. It was inspirational. David took us through his process in a caring and reflective way that only David can. Once we went over some of the basics, the four of us were at work. We worked for two hours in silence with the exception of a few questions or reflections. But we did this together. It would NOT have been the same had we did it in our own classrooms or offices at home. The time spent was inspired to say the least. In fact, one might say that it felt blessed.
Two hours took us just into the process of creating the reminder/inspiration book that holds our beliefs as they pertain to our teaching and our Authentic Selves. This process will be a Work in Progress for quite some time, I am sure.
I am lucky to have this group. I am lucky to have David. I am lucky to have vehicles of inspiration.
I am very aware of this that I feel lucky to have.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Sunday, July 29, 2018
The Happy Place
So, today I went with some family members to the Happy Place in Chicago. It is a Pop-Up Happy Place in which you go to these fun rooms and have photo experiences. My wife, sister, and niece all decided to dress in similar fashion which made the experience that much more fun. Black T-shirt, jeans, and black Chucks.
It was wonderful, even when I jumped into the ball pit and I couldn't get out with LOTS of help. Was I embarrassed? Nope...I was laughing too hard. After help from employees and what seemed like an hour of craning my body out of the ball pit filled with yellow plastic balls...I live to finish the Happy Experience.
There were people of all ages at this event.
What is so cool is that this place is completely dedicated to being Happy. The staff is there to take your pictures with your devices and everyone is having a good time. They are all Happy!
I wish there were more places that suggested and created such a state of mind. Having a bad day? It is silly to hold on to it while you are at the Happy Place. We should be able to take this state of mind and expand it.
No Judgment.
No Hate.
No Resentment.
Just... Happy!
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Clearing the Cache of Mind
I was working in the basement today and I noticed so many things that I have not used for a very long time. Yes, time for a garage sale and/or a trip to Goodwill.
As I sorted through the things, I reflected on ideas and routines that we keep that are no longer useful to me anymore. Beliefs, ideas, concerns, worries, thoughts...all that had their place in my life and in my mind at one time that have outstayed their welcome or usefulness.
I know many people that take to Facebook and do a clearing once in a while. I think for some this is a type of liberation from unnecessary people that clog up their feed that they simply have no real connection to.
So, what does this translate to for me?
I am going to go through my mind's hard drive and clear out the cache as well as anything that sits and affects me that I can intentionally let go of.
This will take time, I am sure. This will take focus, I am more than sure of.
What a liberation and cleansing it can end of being.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Friday, July 27, 2018
Planning with Purpose
I started working on plans for the first week of school today. I really enjoy planning. I get to put together standards from three different sources including National and State standards and turn this all into learning for my students. It is a challenge, but also requires a formula of sorts.
Once the formula is set, and the pacing is set, and the frameworks are set....
Then the fun can happen...the creation of the lessons themselves!
I look at planning as a type of puzzle in which I develop a template. Once I establish a routine with the template, the only thing left for me is the fun creation parts!
As I am writing this, I recognize that a lot of my life works this way. There are expectations, I create a template or routine, and my creative energy is spent on keeping things creative, productive, and interesting.
Having an approach like this helps me to enjoy my life mindfully. The more I can make each day worthwhile and intentional, the more life I can live. Unfortunately, there are those days that are more mindless and leave me waking up with no plan or intention for the day....these are wasted days and I want to have less of them. Sometimes, I deserve to float on these days and simply enjoy a free day with no plan or intention... but the goal is to be effective, efficient and have a plan.
As the school year approached, my days will be filled with intention and purpose.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Learning the Plan
I was able to set up about 66% of my classroom yesterday with the help of three wonderful honors students that needed community service hours for National Junior Honor Society. It was great being around kids that cared and we able to work together towards one goal.
I had the kids take all of my YA Literature and alphabetize the books by author. This is one my of least favorite things to do. They tackled this task while I worked on various other things around the classroom.
It was such a joy to listen to them reason out the plan on making this task as easy and efficient at the same time. They reasoned out that they were using three large tables to sort the books and as there are 26 letters in the alphabet, they would be needing room for about 8 letters per table. They then worked out a flow of direction between the tables so they would not get in each other's way while bringing the books to the piles.
Once that task was complete, they sat down and worked out a plan to bring the books to the shelves. Again, it was a well thought out plan that had each student having a very specific responsibility.
The task was completed in no time.
Next, my posters for the back wall. Again, a well worked plan.
These three students will be in my 8th grade honors class this coming year. I could not help but use their planning abilities to begin to create lessons for their class knowing their capacity for planning things out and sometimes, having to make changes in the plans due to a glitch in the original plans.
I allowed to have these three students teach me more than they could know. I am cool with that!
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Not Perfect
Today I realized something. I have known for most of my life that I am really bad at painting. Be it walls, furniture, or really anything...I am a mess and the outcome is never good. Today, I tired to spray paint furniture. And...I am even worse at Spray Painting than I am with a brush or a roller. I have drips all over the place, spots that were missed or too light....it really is kind of a mess.
I tried and I did the best that I could. I may be just a little better next time I try it. I didn't get any paint on myself and clean up was easy (Thanks to the aid of my wife).
What I truly realized was that it is okay to not be good at something. One can't be good or great at everything. I tried. I did my best. I took the risk and I learned things. That is the beauty of not being good at things or experienced at things. You learn from the experience.
Am I not in a hurry to paint more shelves with spray paint, even though I have two more to do. But, I am a little more experienced now and I can start the new journey next time being just a little more aware of how to do better.
Awareness and experience are wonderful things. They keep us honest while we keep growing.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Mindful Eating
Did I even taste my food?
I have often gotten myself into a habit of eating just to eat. I would eat so fast that it really didn't matter what I was eating. It wasn't for the joy of eating, it was eating to have eaten.
Yes, there is such a thing as Mindless eating. I fall into this trap at times and the outcomes are not good. I gain weight, I eat garbage, I don't feel well, and I look terrible.
Lately, I have chosen to eat Mindfully. Mindful eating is when you are intentional in what you eat while noticing the joy in the food itself. It really is about noticing the layers of flavors in what you are eating.
This forces me to chose food more intentionally. I am not going to mindfully eat a Big Mac!
My wife has helped me on the journey as she has brought to our cooking, healthy food with such wonderful levels of flavor that I eat enjoy the bite for a long time. This slows my eating and allows me to notice flavors and textures. I am eating Mindfully....and becoming more healthy.
Eating certainly isn't the only thing that we have a choice over doing it mindfully or not. There are many aspects of life. This could include yard work, tasks, and for me-painting. By taking a mindful approach, it takes the hurry to get it done out of life.
Slow down.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Monday, July 23, 2018
Customer Service
I went to Petco today. For Skunk Removal shampoo....but that is a whole other story.
It was a store that I had never been in and I had no idea where I might find this very specific stuff. I wondered to the left and noticed that I was in the fish section. Not exactly where I wanted to be. A young woman saw me, literally dropped what she was doing and came to me with a smile. She told me her name and asked what I was looking for.
She walked me to where I might find this special concoction. She didn't just point or say it's over there somewhere. She told me how sorry she was that my dogs were skunked and how consuming the process of cleaning them is. She didn't stop there. She explained how to use the soap, then told me to bring the dogs in if it isn't working and they will personally wash the dogs to make it easy on us.
As she was ringing my order, she stopped, and pulled out a notebook. I looked at her as if to ask if there was something wrong. She explained that she wanted to make sure that it wasn't going on sale any time soon because she wanted to try to save me some money.
This young woman was about 20-ish I would guess. THIS is what one might call wonderful customer service. Not only did I feel great in a pet store, but she caused my entire attitude to be friendly and helpful. I couldn't wait to do something nice for people.
As I went into the next store, I help the door for many people. I said hi to everyone that I encountered. I was happy. The way that this young woman treated me created a positive attitude.
Can we take this with us to school this fall?
Um... Yes!
By showing our students overly positive customer service, we can change their day, or at least make it better.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Full Life
My mind has been on setting up my classroom for the new year. I met with colleagues this morning and setting up our classrooms was a topic that came up many times.
I love the opportunity that setting my classroom up for the new year brings. It allows me to assess what I have, how it might be used, and what I need. It also allows me to daydream about my room filled with learners and the incredible things that will happen throughout the school year.
For some of my friends in other states and countries, their summer is only a few weeks old. For me, as we step into the third week of July...I look at summer as having one week left. In fact, I will be at school setting up and taking care of other things 4 out of the 5 days next week...so...yes, my summer is pretty much over. I say this (or write this) with a smile on my face. It is part of the cycle of being a teacher. Now is the time to prepare and dream in anticipation of the school year to come.
I have my school supplies. I have my new shoes. I am ready!
Having things to look forward to gives us joy in our lives. When we can enjoy the process and time that we are living while we are on our way to what we are looking forward to, we have a full life. A full life is way better than having an empty one.
Having a full life means that you are squeezing the juice out of each moment. That is living!
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Saturday, July 21, 2018
My Purpose
I have been reflecting on a life of retirement as I get closer to the opportunity to retire from the classroom. I have been using summer as a guide as to consider what I might be doing with my time. So far, I am not happy with the results.
I feel that if I were to retire today, I would be unhappy and lacking challenge in my life. I have hopes and dreams of writing and consulting, but there is only so much of that I can do...and then what?
Retirement seems like it doesn't fit who or what I am at this moment. I am not sure that I will be any closer to feeling ready in 4-5 years. At least I have that time to consider the possibilities.
I hear that, "My entire identity is tied to being a teacher. If I am not teaching, then who am I?"
I am believing that I fit into the same or a similar category.
I am not a teacher ONLY when it is a school day, or during the hours of school. I am a teacher when I am sleeping, eating, shopping, reading, writing, thinking, and every moment in-between.
I can't even imagine not having my identity anymore. I wouldn't know myself or my purpose.
Teaching is my purpose. Every day, all day.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Friday, July 20, 2018
Enjoying the Journey.
I am a few hours away from going to a soccer game that I have been looking forward to since April. It is raining and generally not nice outside. It is all fine.
Many years ago, I adopted the thinking that the journey is as important if not more important than the destination. As life goes on with its trials and tribulations, I have found that I really have two options...
1. Complain about what isn't going right along the way of the journey.
2. Simply be on the journey and be mindful of the places that it takes me.
Obviously, I chose and continue to choose number 2. There is no value in choosing option 1. It is stressful and negative. It is the kind of life that keeps you in a loop of despair. No one wants or needs that. It leads to poor mental and physical health.
Was I ever a chooser of number 1. Of course. That is why I adopted the mindset of number 2. It was a response to no longer wanting to live life like that...in a negative soup.
I will go to the game this evening and enjoy what I experience. Whatever that may be.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Thursday, July 19, 2018
My Generation
This morning, as I was getting ready for my day, I was listening to music as usual. The Who song, My Generation came on and of course, I S-S-Sang along with it. I also listened closely to the lyrics.
The song talks about a generation where people (the older people) try to put them down and do NOT understand them. We are talking about the very early 1970s. I was just after the generation that they are speaking of...but the song applied to me. And the next generation. And...to THIS generation.
As the song lyrics certainly complain, I believe that they are asking for empathy. They are asking for patience and understanding. They are asking their elders to let them be who they are while they are making every attempt to find themselves.
I will be the first to admit, even though I used to say until recently that I love ALL music, there are a group of young rappers that I do not like. I do not like their music, them as people, and what they stand for. They make me angry and sad.
Am I giving them the patience and understanding that the Who were looking for as they described their generation?
Probably Not.
I think this fully is something to think about as I get ready to meet my new students in a few weeks. I need to be intentional about my patience and understanding, not just of them as my students as I always am...but of their generational needs and differences.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Meditative Practice
Today was a day of meditation. As many things seem to be hanging in the balance and deadlines are approaching, I needed to be reset. I needed a fresh starting point.
Sitting quietly has that effect on me. I can allow worries and pressure, stress, and pending obligations take a break from hounding me by sitting quietly and in meditation.
The type of meditation that I am talking about is when I sit and pay attention to my breathing. As thoughts come in, including worries and obligations, I wave hi to them in my mind. I acknowledge them, but move my attention and focus back to my breathing. This sounds much easier than it is...at first. It has taken me years of practice, but you have to start sometime to get to a place where it is amazingly effective for you.
I strongly encourage you to give it a try. Start with a 5-minute session and move from there. I have been going outside when the weather is just a tad cool and the neighborhood is quiet....it doesn't get better than that.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Time Effects
One of my all-time favorite students from 5-years ago stopped by today. It was wonderful seeing how he has changed, but at the same time, was very much the same person that I knew back then.
Teachers who stay in contact with their students get to be part of an interesting study in human growth and development. We get to see the physical and emotional changes through time. We see how and when students mature. And most importantly, we get to see first hand, the influences and effects of variables on the lives of our students as they grow.
What do I mean by this?
It is more than interesting to see the results and effects of the following:
Social Economic Status
Whether or not the student goes to any college
How seriously the students take High School
If the students live with both parents
(Sadly, sometimes race is a factor)
If the student has siblings
If the student was a success in Middle School
If the student was involved in Band, Sports, or Drama
The list obviously can go on and on as it might in a sociological study.
What I noticed today was a bilingual student who is ready for college as he prepares to go into the Armed Forces as an Officer. He is polite, well groomed, outgoing and socially proper.
I have found through the years that I have looked at my current students and wondered...who and what will he or she be doing in 5-years. It is wonderful to be able to find out with so many of my past students that choose to find me and keep in touch.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Monday, July 16, 2018
Physical Feedback
So, I went to the doctor today for a wellness check. As I was waiting to be seen, I found myself going through all of the feedback from the doctor since the last time that I was here. As I went through each note of feedback, it occurred to me that I was about to get a grade. I was going to be graded based on my current wellness and the efficiency in which I used the feedback that I was given.
It wasn't a stretch for me to relate this to school and giving students feedback. They are given feedback, they take some time to use the feedback, and eventually they are given a grade for their work.
Well, due to the loss of some weight, my blood pressure being much lower (in fact, below normal), and my labs coming back 98% normal...I was given a grade. The doctor refused to give me an actual grade so I looked at the 98% and gave myself an A. A solid A.
We get so busy with life that we take our physical selves for granted. We tend to feel as though- as long as it doesn't hurt or it's not bleeding...we are fine. Our physical wellness is essential to EVERYTHING! We cannot be...anything...without our health.
I like this idea of looking at the progress of my wellness as feedback driven for a grade. I want to be a success in all that I do. I certainly will want to get an A next time at the doctor. I think I will work towards the goals of the feedback given. Sorry Fried Foods!
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Sunday, July 15, 2018
The In-between times
Lately I have been noticing the in-between times. In fact, I can say that I have been living in the in-between times.
What are these special times?
They are the times in-between the life that we live on purpose. We live with our list of things to do. We are alive while we are accomplishing the things on our calendar. We are intentional and put our efforts in being productive and making sure that we are working towards something. These events give us purpose. They are often the ways in which we earn a living or earn a sense of accomplishment.
But, there is more.
They are the in-between times. They are the gaps that we tend to ignore because are attention is on the next thing or things on our lists. They exist and want to be noticed, but we are too busy.
What do these special times offer?
They offer quiet, mindful times that allow us to breathe. They are the times that we get to notice the world around us. These are the times that hunger for slowed attention and have the most to offer us. They can give us life that has more meaning that accomplishment. Maybe, in fact, these in-between times are the times that define life.
I look at them as boards on a deck. We stand on the boards, but we don't notice the small gaps that sit in-between the boards. If we look at those spaces, we can see what other life exists below. These are the spaces of possibility.
I am looking forward to getting used to appreciating the in-between times. I want to get to know them more intimately. I want to appreciate them and help myself to no longer ignore them as simply the space between obligation.
I will be mindful.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Saturday, July 14, 2018
The time is near
During a long drive in the car today, I realized that I was starting to feel the pull towards being ready to go back to school. I am not sure if it is the Target School Supply Sale, the weather, the calendar, or what...
This is the time each summer that I start to miss being in front of the class. Being with my students...engaged in the partnership of learning. I miss the structure and schedule of the routine of my week. I know the lack of time for life is pretty apparent during the school year, but this is who I am.
In the next coming weeks, I will be involved in various school activities like registration, School Family Picnic, and putting my classroom together from the box of puzzle pieces that it is in right now.
When you are a teacher, life is weird and wonderful at the same time. It is truly never a job, but a part of who you are. Sure there are those that work as though it is a job, giving the least for the maximum, but these people are not the rule...they are the exception. Most true teachers eat, sleep, and breath teaching. It is as if we get paid for our passion (which leads to expertise) and our sacrifices. The teaching is the real reward.
The time is near...
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Friday, July 13, 2018
The Right Food
After a few days of eating what was put in front of me at a conference and then, eating what the very nice hotel eatery had to offer, I needed to go fresh. I needed to eat something that I had control of and something that I can design for my quest towards a healthier lifestyle.
Before pulling into a Culver's out of desperation, I noticed a very cool looking grocery store. The name of it made me feel like I was healthy already... Harvest Market.
I walked in with hopes of it being like a Whole Foods and this place did not disappoint. In fact, I would much rather this place and I wish it was closer! As I walked in, I noticed that it had one of those super healthy sit-down places to eat with a menu and great coffees. As I walked around I found that they had all kinds of healthy ready-to-make meals. The produce section and deli counter was all I needed. I dove right in. While I was mesmerized in my overstimulation, I watch a cheese expert giving cheese lessons to a patron. It was amazing. I wanted to take a seat and participate in the interactive class as the couple was sampling so many cheeses. I think they ate their dinner in samples.
I left with my incredible finds and got back to my hotel room. I excitedly opened the bag and laid out my spread. Instead of turning the TV on for company, I sat with relaxation music and mindfully ate. I am not sure if it was this incredible food, the break from junk, or the mindful eating, but I tasted my food like I was eating for the first time.
Mindful eating is not only healthy as it slows you down and makes eating a more intentional process, but it allows you to taste foods with depth and detail. I took my time and allowed my meal to last over an hour.
The result-
I am full, satisfied, relaxed, and reflective on the process. THIS is a process I want to repeat.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Thursday, July 12, 2018
A Tree
Today was a great day at the Literacy Conference. We got a lot done and we feel great about our work.
There was one issue though...
It was FREEZING in the conference center and meeting rooms. I am not just talking cold...I am talking Walk-in Freezer cold!
I spent 8-hours in these rooms. My forehead was frozen prompting me to take some aspirin. I could not wait to thaw out.
Immediately after the last session ended, I went outside into the 87 degree heat. It took me a little while to thaw out. I think my nose is still frozen.
I started back into the hotel and stopped, Why did I need to rush into the cold hotel? It has been a long and cold 2-days of conference and thinking, it is time to thaw and relax.
My mind was very full from the overwhelming amount of information and responsibilities. I needed to slow it down a little and get my mind to quiet.
I notice the Sequoia Tree and I sat with it. I faced it and focused on the textures of its bark. After about an hour, I was warmed up and hungry. I was ready to change into some comfortable clothes and get some food.
The warm and mindfulness had allowed me to put the day and cold temperatures behind me and readied me for a night of writing.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Inspired through Passion
Sitting in a large room with so many teachers that are willing to give up their time over the summer to spread the love of literacy is such an inspiration.
I am on the executive board of the Secondary Reading League Council of the Illinois Reading Council. We are charged with making the newest thinking in literacy available to teachers around our state.
As I hear conversations and sit through the board meeting, there is one word that resonates with me... Passion. There is so much passion for the field of education in this room. There are no attendees that would be caught calling teaching a "Job." These people are here and exist because they were created to teach and support education.
I could not be more proud to be part of this group of people and this organization.
I am finding more and more that I am putting myself in situations to be inspired.
If you are not involved with such a council or organization, get there... Be inspired. Find the passion...it is out there!
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Stop and Enjoy the Tornado
Today, on my way to a conference 140 miles south of me, the weather got bad. The outside temperature dropped 40 degrees in a matter of 5-minutes. That is NOT a good sign. Then...the hail started. It was luckily the little hail, like the ice at a gas station soda fountain...those little ice pebbles. But there was a lot of them. I also put my diet Pepsi out the window to fill up.
From there, the winds picked up, the sky got green, and the rain. There were no drops to speak of. There were sheets of continuous rain. While the rain was flying sideways, west to east...the debris began. Parts of trees mostly. The entire expressway became a parking lot of flashing lights and worried drivers.
It is too easy to get panicked in a situation like this. Your are scared and there is no way out. You are in the middle of nowhere and there is no place to hide.
I have a long standing love for mother nature and storms. Long story which I will have to write about some time.
This is the BEST time to use mindful calm.
By being aware of what is going on. Noticing what others are doing. Noticing what you can and cannot do. Not panicking. Instead, calming yourself with breathing. As long as you are not hit by another car of massive debris, you will be fine.
I simply turned down the music, pulled over to the side with my flashers on. And listened and watched. I breathed. I listened to my breathing and paid attention to myself. I was fine. I kept my eyes open and watched to make sure those that were parked around me were fine. I was patient and waited for things to clear and become safer before I got on the road again. I did not rush myself, by took care of myself.
Being mindful is being aware and patient. It is noticing what you should and should not do.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Monday, July 9, 2018
No thank you to Anger
I got angry today. Really angry. The kind of anger that makes your ears hot and red. Why? I got an unexpected piece of mail that felt unfair. Really unfair.
After talking to my wife about it, I started to feel better. Here problem solving helped immediately.
It is always best to talk about what is making you this angry. It relieves some of the pressure by expressing it to someone and have them share the experience with you.
After getting my mind onto something else, I felt better. I added RAM to my computer.
By taking a moment away from the source of anger and doing something that frees your attention to it, you are able to let go of that acute anger that was originally felt.
After installing the RAM and finding that I did it all correctly, I sat in silence and and breathed.
Sitting and breathing while paying attention to ONLY your breathing In and OUT is a way of calming the body, mind, and soul.
I can look at the piece of mail with a new lens while I quietly and calmly consider my options.
If I would have made phone calls or acted without being mindful and taking these actions, I would have simply made myself more angry. I would have been rude and attacking on the phone (maybe?). And I would not have been rational.
Is what following a mindful mindset can do for your health- mental and physical.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Shared Experiences
I went to a concert last night. I saw the Wombats, the Pixies, and Weezer at an outdoor theater. It was a great time with some fun music. But...there was much more going on than simply the music.
I noticed how people who don't know each other came together having one simple bond- the music. People talking, helping each other, sharing memories about the last concert they had been to, laughing and even sharing food and drink.
Even more magic happened when the entire crowd of thousands of people joined together in singing along to the songs of the artists. This was certainly a shared experience.
As a regular at the Chicago Fire Soccer matches, I have noticed these behaviors on a regular basis throughout the years. People in a common area attending an event and having a common love for the game coming together to share life. Talking, laughing, sharing, fist-bumping, high-fiving, and cheering for a common team.
I find this to be wonderful human behavior. In essence, when you put thousands of people together in a venue, these people have a shared interest being the team or musical talent. This large group becomes a temporary family of sorts. Of course, there will be irritating people or judgmental beings, but for the most part...we are in it together.
Shared human experience can be wonderful if you are open to being social with others and enjoy the moment that is being shared. If we attend such an event and we choose to isolate ourselves, I believe we are missing out.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine

Saturday, July 7, 2018
Your favorite place
A friend of mine posted on social media today that he had just pulled into his vacation spot. I saw the image of the lake with trees and I instantly knew where he was. One of my favorite places on earth. He explained that he has gone every year for the past 22-years and it is his favorite place on earth. I went 14-years in a row starting when I was a teen. I have been back to visit, but never to stay.
I love how we have that one place that fits us like a glove. It is the perfect mix of who we are and who we want to be. It fits our personality while challenging us a bit. The place brings us to our own quiet internal space when we truly feel alive and can enjoy it. It is our escape from whatever realities exist, if only for a few hours, days, or weeks.
We usually cannot live in this place or we would never be productive as humans. Or...worse, we would learn to take the place for granted and eventually not appreciate the place anymore.
This perfect spot and favorite place needs to be cherished in reality and in our memories...or, it loses its value.
If you don't have at least one of these places, you need to find one. They are motivators in their own right. They give us dreams to look forward to...even if we will never go there again.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Friday, July 6, 2018
Searching for Perfect
Today's weather was beautiful. Perfect.
I, too often, see people complaining on social media or in person about the weather. If you live in the Midwest, which I do, the weather goes from one extreme to the other. This sometimes happens in the matter of days or even hours.
I think some of us are so busy looking for the perfect day that when it shows up at our doorstep, we don't notice it. We don't appreciate it. In fact, we are looking for the weather to complain about...
I fear that for some, life in general is viewed that way. They are always searching for perfect. There is no true perfect...or is there? It is truly up to the individual. Perfect is a mindset.
For me, the weather is the weather. It is perfect the way it is. Sometimes we have to deal with things due to the weather like driving, my breathing due to allergies, and severe weather that can bring damage. Weather is weather. It is what it is. We cannot do anything about it...but maybe move. But then we are running away from weather to find new weather to complain about. Our mindsets follow us.
Perfect Mindset isn't perfect. It appreciates.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Thursday, July 5, 2018
School Dreams
I am a teacher. I have back to school dreams...well....nightmares.
Some have students that are out of control, some have me trying to teach during a disaster, some have me teaching in a corn field, some are funny, most are scary.
I don't normally have these events until August, but...they have already started.
I wonder if it is because I am still seeing students at school. Is it because I am invested in Twitter Chats and thinking about my teaching? Is it because I ran into a few students a few days ago? Is it because of something I ate? Is it gas?
I am not sure what creates these strange night school rehearsals, but I know that I have them.
I have heard through the years that others have them. I am curious if all teachers have them. I think if they do, someone should write a book as a collection of various teachers' dreams. That might be quite an interesting read!
What I decided to do after each one... because I wake in a cold sweat every time I have one, is to reflect on their meaning.
They almost have me thinking things through to make sure that I am considering all possible situations for next year. They are pretty crazy when I think of the things that happen. Most of all, I am left with the recognition that I care about what I do. I want to do well. I want my students to like me and have incredible experiences in my class. I want my students to be successful regardless of the obstacle.
That is the message that I will take from these nighttime cinematic events.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
The Calming Cicada
As I grilled out special 4th of July meal this afternoon... Corn on the Cob, Potatoes, and Buttered Boca Burgers, I noticed a few things.
The first thing that I noticed was that I was calm. I am usually stressed while grilling for my wife and mother-in-law as I want everything to be perfect and come out at exactly at the same time. Today I was calm. I was in my happy place. And...everything was perfect.
While I was grilling out, it was pretty hot outside....and I was working near the massively hot grill. Being calm and enjoying myself, I noticed that I wasn't even breaking a sweat. I know this was due to my calm demeanor and attitude. It was nice.
The fireworks have been bothering me a lot this year. (Long story, but related to a shooting incident that I witnessed) While I was outside working on the food, a neighbor started blowing off the larger fireworks...the kind that you feel in your chest. Instead of focusing on this, I noticed immediately, for the first time this year, the wonderful sounds of the cicada. The waves of cicada calls took me on a journey allowing my focus and mindfulness to stay with these sounds and forget the larger booms coming from down the street. I stayed calm inside and out. I thanked the cicadas out-loud for taking care of me.
Dinner was nice. Nice conversation and great food. I am calm, thankful, and enjoying my holiday.
I hope you are all doing the same.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Hiking memories
My wife and I went walking, well hiking, today in the State Park that we were married at13 years ago (September) . Today is her birthday and to celebrate, we returned to the scene of the beginning of us. We had a small Native American ceremony for our wedding at the Indian Caves of Matthiessen state park in Illinois so...this place is very important to us.
It was a little more full of people and their dogs than we would have liked. It was also much warmer and muddier than we were hoping for. But all in all, it was a wonderful experience.
What I noticed while we were there was the flood of memories. It has been a long time since I was last there, but the memories were fresh. When my wife and I decided to get married down in the lower dells of the park, my mother had just found out that she had lung cancer. My mother was a real trooper and climbed the many many stairs. She walked through the creeks and mud to make her way to the place that we decided was perfect for us. She did it all...for us.
I remember being so proud of her and thankful when she finally made it back up the endless stairs. I admit it...today when I got to the top of the stairs...I was winded and hurting. This made my memories and thankfulness for my mother even stronger.
My mother left us due to lung cancer over 8-years ago.
Today I actually celebrate the two most important women in my life. My incredible wife on her birthday and my mother, who was always giving in any way that she could.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Monday, July 2, 2018
Six months of Habit
This post marks 6-months of consecutive daily posts here on my #Mindfulliteracy blog. 183 days of mindful mindstreaming as I notice the life around me. This blog has become my writing habit. It also has become my self-awareness. It is clearly my reflection on life. It has become my routine and in a sense, my obsession. This blog is my daily practice as I continue to write articles and make strides in my books.
Six months ago, I chose as my one-little-word, the word, Persist. I wanted to stay with things and push myself. I wanted to make commitments to myself and follow through. I wanted to stop waiting and do...
I am not going to talk about or think about where I go from here. I will set goals and work towards the goals. I will continue on my writing journey as I have
for the past 183 days. But I also will feel fulfilled in the fact that I did this. I wrote for 183 straight days. Some of it good, some of it, well... But I wrote.
According to the website: https://jamesclear.com/three-steps-habit-change
The 3 Rs of Habit Change
Every habit you have — good or bad — follows the same 3–step pattern.
Every habit you have — good or bad — follows the same 3–step pattern.
- Reminder (the trigger that initiates the behavior)
- Routine (the behavior itself; the action you take)
- Reward (the benefit you gain from doing the behavior)
I have to admit that I just found this today. I am posting these 3-Rs because they fit my philosophy that I have adopted. The reward for me has been completely personal and intrinsic. I have not given myself prizes or rewards, but have simply kept myself motivated by the successes of the routine.
I strongly recommend this process....or any process that works for you.
Cheers to more work, more routine, and more writing.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Today, my wife and I spent three hours in the scorching heat on purpose. We did this so that our local food pantry can have a decent amount of food through the summer months.
Was it worth it?
As we stood in front of the grocery store this morning, people noted our commitment to the cause and gave what they could. We ended up with a nice amount of money for the organization and a large tote that was overflowing with non-perishable goods.
People are good. They care. They are concerned about others.
In our current divisive state of affairs, it is an incredible feeling to know that there are people who care about the fate of others and are willing to stand up and help.
My favorite part of the day was the many parents that modeled the giving spirit to their children. They would hand the donation to their child and let them put it into the bucket. I love this because it teaches our children the feeling that one gets when they give. There is joy and pride in giving. You get to feel like a part of the bigger picture of positivity.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
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