Monday, October 8, 2018

Returning to school

I have been away from my students for a number of days due to being out at a conference.  This is s struggle for me in a couple of ways.

I feel out of sync with my kids and need to have that reconnection.

I am not completely sure where they left off on things so I am not sure where we will begin.

I strive on routine and momentum, and every time I am gone, there is a new start to the momentum.

My personal momentum is out of sorts due to the schedules of the conference and the days off after.


Fortunately, or unfortunately, I am used to regaining this momentum and reconnecting with my students.  I missed many days last year due to an injury which taught me a lot about flexibility and resiliency. 

Setting routines and having strong connections with students allow for these types of absences from my students.  They know what I expect without me being there because expectations are consistent from day one.  My students as I have a mutual respect system in place which allows me to take care of them when needed, and them to take care of me when I am needing it.

With the use of Google Classroom as an assignment platform as well as a communication source, I can be anywhere I can get internet and be a part of my students' experiences in my classroom.  Conversely, if my students are absent for a day, a week, or a month...I have the wonderful luxury of keeping in touch with them and making sure that they are not overwhelmed by missing things in my class.

Having the routines, connections, respect, and the tools, I am able to go to conferences like I did this last week, and know that my students were well taken care of, and they will help me to catch up with THEM tomorrow when we all return to hit the ground running again and doing the great work that we do daily.

I am lucky.  I am well aware of this.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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