Sunday, October 21, 2018

New Lack of Flow

I have decided, since day one this school year, to revise my teaching and lesson focus more than ever before.  Never have I made such a drastic change to my style and approach to teaching.  I have never been standard forward before.  Instead, I have been connections to text, interest level, and engagement forward where the standards crept in from the sides.  I have had immense success when it comes to growth and data doing things as I always have, but...

This year I have a new PLC and a somewhat standards heavy coach.

This left me a few options.  1.  I can keep doing me and have a rift between me and the PLC.  2.  I can try to create some sort of hybrid that would be lots of work until I realized what their expectations were.  Or... 3.  Move completely out of my comfort zone, take a risk with growth and data, and dive into the philosophies of these two people that are so standards driven.

I chose 3.  I chose to dive in and see where it takes me and my students.  I made my mind up to intentionally watch the reactions of my students and be even more reflective about my own practices.  Nine weeks in, one would think that I would know if I made the right decision.  I wish.  I am seeing my choice as different successes and failures as the days progress.

Somedays, I go home and wonder if it is time to scrap it all and go back to my comfort zone.  I quickly dismiss this as my comfort zone is probably too comfortable.  As I reflect, I think the issues that I am noticing are coming from a lack of flow.  With comfort, comes flow.  It is more natural and happens with changes in the moment. When we are in unchartered waters, we are not used to the cause and effects of changes, so we stay the course...even if the course causes frustration and trouble for us and our students.

My so called temporary solution?

I am not ready to give up learning and growing from this new format and thinking.  New moves growth, old stagnates and smells.  I am willing to deal with the frustrations for another nine weeks in the case and hope, that there will become a level of comfort to it all.

Reflection is always great.  But sometimes, reflection shows us our fears.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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