Tuesday, February 6, 2018

What's Next?

I have been in charge of our Building's Washington, D.C. trip for over 14 years. This will be my last year...my 15th year.  As I get up in age and more involved in other things, I have decided to turn over the reigns to someone more- Um, young.

There are a few things that I am giving up for various reasons. In doing so, it causes me to reflect on who I was at the start of my teaching career.  I had just left the psych field.  I was still "young."  I had energy and enthusiasm.  I was idealistic, but realistic.  I wanted to save the world and do it all...lead the masses.

I am older now.  There is a newer crop of educators that can and will do more than I can every consider.  I did my part.  I have 5-more years to push myself and do more.

What next?

No- I am NOT done.

Then it is off to full time writing, presenting, and thinking!

I may be older, but I am not old. I am not finished.  It is simply time to start using all that I learned along the way.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine



  1. It is hard to let things go, but it is also so sweet to relish all that those experiences brought us!

  2. It is so hard to let go of things...with me it was speech. I'm sure I could have kept coaching even when I retired, but I just felt it was time to move on. And it was. Savor this last trip.

  3. Mark,

    I am glad you are giving reins to someone & mentoring them for success.

    Yes, you are not old, you are iwse.

    Best wishes for continue writing.


  4. There's always so much to do and enjoy.
