Thursday, February 1, 2018

A Case of the Februarys

I have noticed the usual end of January banter around the hallways from my peers.  Staff is very much in a sad, depressed, and thick rut.  Am I there too?  I think so.

Today we (Chicago area) got word that we are in for a snowy week this coming week.

Does this help?

Some of my peers are hoping for a Snow Day.

I am NOT.

After many years of getting out of school in June, it has been nice getting out in May. Snow Days would put us back into June.

As I am writing this, and seeing the words built from emotions appear on the page, I am not liking what I am seeing. I do not want to fall prey to a bad case of the Februarys.  I want to be the sunshine in the blizzard.  I want to be the warm breeze in the frost.

It is all about mindset, isn't it.

Would we feel the Februarys if we taught in Florida?  In Texas?  I'm not sure.

The reality is, we teach in the Midwest.  For whatever reason, it is the choice that we made. And in the Midwest, we go through February just like everyone else.


I will celebrate February. The dull ache of the grey month.  I will look beyond it will a smile and positive attitude.  I might still look forward to April though.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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