Thursday, November 29, 2018

Time with Mentors

I get to see one of my favorite mentors tonight and tomorrow...

The Literacy Expert, Cris Tovani!

The Secondary Reading Council of Illinois is having its annual Literacy Conference tomorrow and as Past-President of the organization, I will help to welcome over 200 educators from over 5 states to this incredible affair.

I have been following the work of Cris Tovani since becoming a teacher.  I have had the wonderful opportunities to learn from her in person at least 10 times.  We have become friends in the past few years and she has become one of my writing mentors for writing professional development oriented books and articles.

Tonight, I get to catch up with her and go to dinner with the board of our council and Cris as our guest of honor!

One of many perks of being extra involved in the wonderful world of education is getting to know and learn from people like Cris.  I can also include Penny Kittle and Kelly Gallagher to this list.  If you are not aware...these are all A-Listers!

I am thankful for these opportunities as they teach me so much, they inspire me, and motivate me to be the best educator, writer, and ME that I can be.  As I learn from these inspirations, I give back by teaching and mentoring others.

I really appreciate professional development as it fills my cup.  It gives me the energy and get my creativity fueled to get through the year as intentionally as possible.  Having PD at the end of November is an added bonus as it gives the needed push during the most difficult time of the year to be an educator.

I plan on really enjoying and learning tomorrow...

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


1 comment:

  1. I adore Cris, both professionally and personally. She is the kind of person who makes me strive to be a better teacher to all of my students. Lucky Secondary Reading League!
