Saturday, November 24, 2018

In-Between time

Well...we are in the midst of the holiday season.  Just like everything else in life, it will be and is...fleeting.

Time is fleeting.  It is always on the move.  What we too often forget is that there are two ways in which to "use" time.  We can hurry it along and rush it to get to something that we are excited to get to...OR... we can live in the moment, savoring the ticks of the clock as if each one has its own distinct flavor. 

When we hurry, we never taste life.  We live for tomorrow and the future in general.  We go through life looking out the window as if we are in a car moving 70 miles per hour.  There is so much life that we are missing when we allow our lives to become that blur.  There are so many snapshots of life in the moments that make up that blur.

When we are kids, we can't wait for the exciting things to happen.  We can't wait until vacation or the holiday, the gifts, the party.  When we are older, we would do almost anything to have those moments in-between back.  There should be some sort of bucket that those wasted moments collect so we can use them when we are older, wiser, more ready and needing to have those moments.

Since the reality is, they are gone...we would be best served to start now, whenever now is for us, to stop and notice the moments in-between.  That is where the real life lives.  It is there for us to become aware of it, to notice it, to give it importance and priority.

If we can give this gift to ourselves, maybe we would slow down and become more grateful.  Maybe we wouldn't waste so much time in anger or complaints about life.  Maybe we can intentionally be satisfied with life and enjoy what we have been given.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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