Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Almost that time

333 Days ago, I set out to live true to my one-little-word for 2018..."Persist"  I decided on this word to push my writing and be more intentional in sitting down and writing, daily. 

There is a pad of paper in my house that says, "Write Daily" that somehow appeared today.

I have lived this mantra for now, 333 Days!

As I have promised myself the gift of finishing the daily writing for an entire year (365 days), I am finding myself becoming increasingly more eager to refocus my writing, my writing routines, my writing schedule, and my writing mindset.

I am chomping at the bit of getting to book writing.  My hunger is growing by the day.  I thirst to sit down and write for the long-term.  It is on my mind all day, everyday.  It is in my dreams.

Why wait?

The daily practice is what truly has lead me to this point of readiness.  I want to hold on to my promise, my accomplishment, my one little word.

As the days progress and I am able to get more time in...I plan on sharing my writing time between my blog and my book until the book all but replaces my blog time.  My goal is one blog post a week for 2019.

As I stew within the ideas of writing, I am plagued by one larger decision.  What am I going to write first?  I am not one to start a new project until one is complete.  I am sure it will work this way for writing as I want to steep in the ideas that I have until the book is a reality. 

Do I have book projects on the burner?  Yes, at least three.  Yes, people are waiting.  But...the writing thing has become more about my love for writing than the finished product that someone waits for.  It is not about doing it for an editor or publisher....It has become about me satisfying myself as a writer.

THIS, is how much I have grown as a writer in the past 333 Days.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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