Saturday, February 10, 2018

Positive Possibilities

When I look at my students, I often try to envision their future. I look at the positive possibilities that await my students as they work their ways through Middle School. Even the trouble students that are not able to give their best have positive possibilities. Ages 12-14, they are innocent. They have dreams. They have hopes and aspirations.

My students also have obstacles. Often, their own families have or are going through issues that present obstacles to my students.

Single Parents
Parents working multiple jobs
Students taking care of siblings
This list goes on...

If they are going through such a mess in life, how can they succeed without support?

I believe it is up to me... to their teachers and school staff. We are the behind the scenes care takers of our students.  We need to be positive about their futures to give them hope and promise. What students DO NOT need are teachers or school staff belittling these students and complaining to them.

One of the worst things that I have ever heard a teacher say to a student is, "You will never amount to anything."  I have even heard educators tell students that "their best hope is to end up in jail."

Our students need us. Well too often, we are the only positive people and our schools the only positive space for these kids.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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