Friday, February 16, 2018

Class Personality

As I have been teaching for a long time, it never ceases to amaze me how different middle school classes can be.  I teach 4- 7th grade social studies classes and 2- 8th grade social studies classes.  Even though each class is at a little bit different level, the difference in class personality is incredible!  Yes, Class Personality.

Every class has its own personality which is made up of much more than the sum of individuals.  The mix of students make for an interesting "monster."

Today, I delivered basically the same lesson to both 8th grade classes keeping in mind the things that get them engaged.  One class took this very interesting concept explored in class and made it seem like I asked them to stare at grey paint.  The other class was so into the said concept, that I could not stop them.  The conversation and curiosity could have lasted eight hours.

As much as I see this happen on a regular basis, I am still blown away by the differences and challenges they pose.

I guess, if this challenge didn't exist, planning for the perfect engagement might be boring. Teaching keeps you on your toes. One must be flexible in places that they didn't know existed.

But all in all, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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