Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Need for SEL

I have taught many sections of honors 7th and 8th grade social studies through the years.  Honors classes are interesting.  In my world, they mean one of a few different things.

1. The student is clearly gifted.

2. The student gives 110% all of the time.

3. The student has high expectations from home and is struggling to keep up.

Often times, the reason that a student is in category 3 is die to a parent that has contacted the school system early on in the student's schooling and has pushed for their student to be included.

This time of year, I notice the pressures of my 8th grade honors students.  They are hearing more about high school. They are registering for high school.  They are taking high stakes tests for high school. It is clearly the season of a major transition.

With this transition, there is a new type of stress for all three categories of students.

Category 1 students, the gifted, are setting new and longer lasting goals that may have serious consequences for their lives and futures.

Category 2 students, the overachievers, are realizing that some of their methods may not work in high school and they may be too under water to keep up.

Category 3 students, those who may have been placed in honors for reasons other than their abilities, are either no longer placed in honors classes proceeding forward, or are realizing that they stand to let their parents down not living up to expectations.

All this to say...

The issue of stress is not well addressed in our school system during major transitions. Students come to me and many of my colleagues with a barrage of questions and concerns. Some break down and are in tears with fear. Some are physically showing their fear.

Can we please start recognizing the weight that our students carry as real and serious...especially at these times? The need for SEL is real and not just an "add-on."

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


1 comment:

  1. I taught honors Eng to 8th graders for years. You are spot on in this post.
