Another Mother's Day without a Mom to wish a wonderful day. I lost my mother 8.4 years ago to lung cancer. The experience was surreal to say the least. The knowledge that your mom is gone forever is an interesting hurt. It is an ache that lurks in the background of life, waiting for the right time to remind you that she is missing and that you don't have her for support anymore.
Mother's Day is one of those days. All of the Mother's Day social media posts, flowers being sold at every possible store, and the road signs offering deals to moms today on mattresses.
The resulting feelings are mixed.
I feel alone, even though so many of my family and friends are without their moms on this day. I feel nostalgic in reflecting on memories about my mother...either by myself or with others. I find humor listening to the girls in line at a local coffee shop complaining about their mother's elaborate special orders.
Do the years make things easier? Yes...I guess. But there are always these little celebrated days that pop up to remind me of what I once had, that is now gone.
I go to a special picture of my mom holding me when she was so young. I was six months. I talk to that mom and remind her to enjoy raising me and have no regrets. I tell her I miss her. I shed a tear. I smile and my Mother's Day has ended.
Be Mindful.
Mark Levine
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