Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Calm Space

My secret self-mission lately has been to find my calm space within.  I am one that likes to take lots on to be a part of the larger world. I like to be included and involved.  Taking a ton on in life does not mix well with my goals towards a calm and minimal life.


I have officially let go of all extra obligations at school.  This will free me up to volunteer in projects that I want to put my heart into.  It will also allow me to follow my dreams in endeavors beyond the classroom.  yes- writing is certainly one of them.

I have found that meditation and self reflection are great if you let yourself take advantage of them in kind of a selfish manner.  I am nothing close to selfish, believe this has been rough on me.


I am feeling more of who I really am lately.

I like this.

I will certainly write more about this journey.

Step one. It is difficult and take some time, but it all begins with this step.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine



  1. I think if I had let go of some school obligations earlier, I would have stayed longer. Good for you

  2. I'm sure letting go of those extra obligations was difficult, but I can see that it will be well worth it for you, Mark. There is so much peace that comes with finding clarity in our mission and staying true to that. I am finding that I am experiencing the same thing lately as I get older. I no longer have time for things that don't align with what I truly want for myself -- peace, connection, love, and learning.
