Saturday, August 18, 2018

Feeling different

I started to consider seating charts for my students this week.  I asked them to show me where and with who they would prefer to sit until I get to know them for the next two weeks.

When all of the students got to where they were going, I noticed a student that I had in class last year and now, in 8th grade, he is in my class again, sitting alone.

I went up to him.

"MJ, why are you sitting alone again.  I noticed that all last year you wanted to sit alone.  I expected now that you were in 8th grade, you might feel more comfortable."

"No, I am fine."  MJ replied.

"I have to admit, MJ, you don't seem fine.  In fact, you seem sad."

MJ responded, "I would rather sit by myself and have no one look at me like I am weird or something is wrong with me.  I would rather be lonely that feel strange and be reminded that I don't act like the other kids."

My heart hurt for MJ.  I wouldn't want to sit with others if I felt that way.  The others were not bullying him or making fun of him.  MJ just feels different for various reasons, mostly medical.  He also doesn't feel as mature as the other students his age.  He like to play with toys and use his imagination as a younger child might like to do.

Of course, I want to rescue MJ.  I want to fix his problem for him.  I want to make things comfortable for him.  But at the same time, I want him to make the strides needed for him to grow up and mature as he needs to.  The best I can do at this point is be supportive of MJ and make suggestions while encouraging him as the year goes on.  Fixing whatever issue for him will not help him to grow.  Giving him opportunities for taking risks will...

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine


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