Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Class is Full

To be honest, I am one of those teachers that does not like small class sizes. I usually have 30ish students in a class. Some more, some less. I think 26 is my sweet spot.  I have a lot of difficulty teaching a class with under 20 kids.  Too quiet. Not enough interaction or collaboration.

I want to be able to confer with one side of the room while the other side is obnoxiously engrossed in inquiry and debate. I want students to be loud with enthusiasm, not quiet with awkwardness.  I find that awkwardness in smaller classes.

I once had a class with 14 students.  I felt like I was teaching one student. They were quiet, hesitant, and overall-shy.  I know.... I know... My attitude had a lot to do with it. I am sure these students were responding to my awkwardness and therefore, were reactively awkward.

On the other hand, I am thinking that 36 students in a class is too much.  I borrowed 6 students for the month of January, to teach a special unit, and this left me with 36.  Granted, I had a co-teacher and an aide, it was too much.  It was at the end of the day. I ended the class with a sore throat and a headache. I wanted and needed to be in way too many places at a time.

This madness ended today.

This is where my reflection comes from.

I am not sure what tomorrow will feel like.  Will I be in heaven with the newfound control?  Will I be saddened by the lack of that "zoo-like" feeling?

In total, I have 6-classes with 171 students this year.

I think I will be fine letting the 6 go.  Its not like I will never see them again.  They are students in the classroom next to me.

Regardless, I do like a full classroom.  I hope it stays that way for a while.

Be Mindful.


Mark Levine



  1. I taught class of 25 & think it is good upper end for me. I would not mind teaching 15-20 students though.


  2. I think it depends on what you teach. When I taught 7th graders, I was Ok with 20-25 kids (you have to remember, in a small district, this is a big class). When I taught a speech class with 25, it was outrageous. We didn't get everything done because it took so long to get through speeches. The kids who went first, sat for days and days waiting for the others to get done. My optimum size is 20. I can do anything with 20 kids.
